Archive for November, 2018

November 14, 2018

Virtual Garden Places Munzees!

We’ve got an all new Places Munzee and this one is special! Have you ever wanted an easy way to identify where Munzee Virtual Gardens are without having to load the entire design on the map? Well you’re in luck!

Starting RIGHT NOW you can purchase Virtual Garden Places Munzees in the Freeze Tag Online Store at!

Virtual Garden Places Munzees can be deployed as an indicator of a Munzee Virtual Garden. These gardens can be made up of any type of virtual Munzee (clan weapons, jewels, etc.). Please note that this type is not a part of the actual Garden, but instead a pin to indicate its general location. Munzee Virtual Gardens are player created works of art based on Virtual Munzee deploys. Examples of Virtual Gardens include Sunset Cowboy in Ft. Worth, TX, Rose Garden in UK, and Scared Kitty in Lithuania. You may also choose to deploy this type of Place near an official Munzee Emerald Garden.

There are so many unique Virtual Gardens throughout the world, so this new Places Munzee will work slightly different than others. Virtual Garden Places Munzees have a lowered 0.5 mile deploy proximity, so if there are other Gardens nearby you’ll still be able to deploy one. Only one Place is allowed per garden, and the garden must contain a minimum of 50 virtual type Munzees. When submitting your Virtual Garden Places Munzee for approval we ask that you include a link to the Garden’s location on the Munzee map and also any helpful information in the Munzee Notes section. You can do this by submitting and then visiting the Munzee page to update the name and notes while it is pending approval. Also if there is a spreadsheet associated with the garden link it in the description so others can help grow it.

Since Virtual Garden Places Munzees will need to be double checked on the Munzee map it may take a bit longer than usual to approve these. Please bear with our support staff and if they decline your submission please work with them to locate the area for confirmation. You will receive an email with approval or rejection with a reason. Please see all details about Places Munzees in our help manual.

Virtual Garden Places Munzees are available for $5, and you can purchase two per account every 30 days. Normal Places Munzees are $10 each and you are limited to one per type every 30 days. Since these new Munzees are more affordable, and they are allowed to be closer together, the points for Virtual Garden Places Munzees are a bit lower as well.

  • Deploy: 40
  • Capture: 10
  • Cap-On: 5

Like other Places Munzees, these will have 1,000 ft capture radius, can be captured daily, but cannot be captured via Blast Captures. You can also earn badges for capturing Places Munzees as well as capture streaks!

With all of these new Places Munzees available we have expanded the Places Munzee filters in the current version of the Munzee app. You’ll now be able to filter the map by individual Places Munzee types. So if you’re just looking for Virtual Gardens, you’ll be able to make that a bit easier. The current layout of the filters may seem a bit clunky, but a filter reorganization is a big feature for Munzee 4.0, so this will be a lot more organized when that version launches soon. Once again thank you for your patience as we roll out new Munzee types alongside our 4.0 development!

So get out there and explore the artistic glory of Virtual Garden Munzees!

Munzee on!

November 8, 2018

Make A Wish With The Fairy Godmother AlternaMyth!

Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo- Your wish will surely come true!  Go from grime to glam with the Fairy Godmother AlternaMyth Munzee!

Similar to other AlternaMyths these Mythological Munzees are deployed on behalf of our HQ staff’s accounts, thus super rare. The Fairy Godmother AlternaMyths are now live for capture so check out the Specials Map to see if there is one near you!

As the AlternaMyth to the Fairy Mythological Munzee the Fairy Godmother can fly sky-high, but she’s also known to rock a pair of diamond slippers! Fairy Godmothers are attracted to greenies, regular Mystery Munzees, Air Mystery Munzees and Jewel Munzees.

  • Greenies
  • Regular Mystery Munzees
  • Virtual Munzees
  • Air Mystery Munzees
  • Amethyst (V)
  • Sapphire (V)
  • Diamond
  • Ruby
  • Pink Diamond
  • Topaz
  • Aquamarine

Remember that like the other AlternaMyths Fairy Godmothers are now worth 500 Capture points and 50 CapOn points as well. Luckily these wish-granting godmothers don’t disappear at midnight, but they will be tough to track down! Better your chances with a Munzee Magnet! You can find Magnets, Jewel Munzees and more in the online store! 

Capturing a Fairy Godmother will also count towards the Myth Collector badges so wish with all of your might that this magical maiden will save your night!

Speaking of badges, new achievements for capturing regular Fairy Mythological Munzees (and the other Fairy Variants) are now available to earn. These badges work like other myth badges and they will be retroactive.

In celebration of the Fairy Godmother release we also have a limited number of decals stickers for the new AlternaMyth and the regular Fairy as well. Get those in the online store!

Good luck on your journey and never stop wishing!

Munzee on!

November 7, 2018

NFC Munzee Conversion

As the launch of Munzee 4.0 gets closer, we have an update regarding the removal of the Near Field Communication (NFC) Munzee type.  All undeployed NFC Munzees are currently being archived and all deployed NFC Munzees are being converted to white Virtual Munzees.

Please note that players have not had the ability to deploy NFC Munzees for many years, but this next step will remove the type entirely from the map. Although NFC Munzees were technically a physical type, the GPS coordinates attached to the NFCs will be where the newly converted Virtuals are located. Additionally, this also includes a substantial point update from what NFCs used to be worth. For those that have captured NFC Munzees in the past your capture count will remain in tact and you’ll still be able to see the special icon under the achievements tab.
UPDATE: This newly deployed virtual is available to be captured by anyone who previously capped the NFC. It is a brand new deploy.

Deploy Points:
5 —> 55

Capture/CapOn Points:
5 —> 70 points split with a minimum of 10
3 —>     *             *              *              *

We appreciate the player support for this type, but unfortunately NFC technology is not easily accessible for developers on all platforms so it’s time to move on. We promise the release of 4.0 is very close, so once again thank you for your patience during all of these changes. Remember this is just the start, we have some really big plans ahead!

Munzee on!

November 1, 2018

Step Up Your Game With November MunzPaks!

With Zombies crawling back to their graves, November is here! We wanted to take a quick minute to put the spotlight on November’s MunzPaks.

For those that don’t know, MunzPak is a monthly subscription service that delivers munzees right to your door! Each MunzPak includes a variety of munzees including some new things you won’t be able to get anywhere else!

We offer three types of MunzPaks that you can subscribe to each month.

  • Physical MunzPak features blocks of generic stickers and pre-coded stickers including the monthly Chinese Zodiac munzees which can only be purchased through the subscription service. $25 value for $15 each month.
  • Virtual MunzPak features a variety of virtual munzees that are automatically added to your account each month including Destination Munzees, Jewels and more. $40 value for $25 each month.
  • Hybrid MunzPak is the best of both worlds! Get both physical and virtual munzees including Places Munzees, Magnets and more. $30 value for $20.01 each month.

If you’ve never subscribed to MunzPak before you can also earn one-time badges for each type of Pak! Subscribe today in the Freeze Tag Online Store and check out this month’s goodies below:

November Physical MunzPak:
Purchase HERE-

November Virtual MunzPak-
Purchase HERE-

  • 2 Virtual Resorts
  • 3 Virtual Magnets
  • 4 Virtuals and Color Credits
  • 2 Sapphire

November Hybrid MunzPak
Purchase HERE-

  • 25 Generic stickers (to be mailed)
  • 1 Sports Stadium Places Munzee
  • 2 Pink Diamond credits
  • 1 Topaz credit
  • 2 Physical Magnets
  • 1 Prize Wheel credit
  • 1 Scatter credit