Bee-Ball Bouncers for Sports Fans!

Basketball season officially kicked off last week, so if all of the Halloween-themed releases aren’t your thing, perhaps you’ll enjoy shooting some some Bee-Ball with your favorite Freeze Tag Mascot!

Bee-Ball Bouncer Details

The Bee-Ball Bouncers are temporary POBs that will remain on the map until 23:59 MHQ on December 31, 2022 — when it will be automatically archived on your account. You may recall that this is similar to the Baby Animals, or most recently, the Mad Hatter Garden Gnome.

You can choose between the Munzee Mascot or the WallaBee Mascot as you’ll see below. If you’re interested in scouting a single player, both, or even wish to form a whole team, you can do so HERE!

Munzee Mascot WallaBee Mascot
Points Points
  • Deploy: 500
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 150
  • Deploy: 500
  • Capture: 250
  • CapOn: 150
Additional Info Additional Info
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”
  • Available for multi-capture
  • Non-blastable
  • Attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets
  • Filters: “All Limited Edition Specials” and “All Expiring Specials”

You can find these costumed teammates racing to the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Additionally, both Bee-Ball Bouncers will scatter up to 3 NEW Bee-Balls nearby when they are captured!

  • Capture: 50 points
  • CapOn: 25 points

These scatters will be visible to any player and will be deployed on the Bee-Ball Bouncer owner’s account. This means that unlike Air Mystery Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet. These scatters will NOT count for deploy streaks, ZeeOps, or clan activity since they are passive deploys.


There are deploy badges for each Bee-Ball Bouncer, which you can see below.

There are also 6 capture badges associated with these bouncers: 3 are based on overall Mascot captures, and the remaining 3 are based on overall Bee-Ball captures. Make sure to cap as many as you can to progress through both badge lines!

We hope you enjoy seeing these masked athletes on the map!

Munzee on!