Put Pen to Paper — or Rather, Fingers to Keys — With Craig’s Flat Object!

At MHQ, we like to keep our players on their toes. We had quite a gap between the Flat Disc Golf Basket and the Flat Flashlight, and now, just over a month later, another new Flat Object?! Well, this month is National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo, so we couldn’t pass up this opportunity, as you’ll see! The rest of the MHQ staff has been using their spare moments thoughtfully designing their own Flat Object, so we hope you keep an eye out for them as they are released!

The fourth Flat Object is brought to you by Craig, the CEO! Don’t be intimidated by his title — Craig is one of the more outgoing members of the team who enjoys chatting with players at Munzee Events and learning what makes them tick (not that the rest of us don’t enjoy it — it just seems to come naturally to Craig, without any shyness or awkwardness). For those who haven’t been fortunate enough to get to know him, or would like a refresher, you can check out his most recent Meet Munzee Munzday post HERE!

In his spare time, Craig turns to writing to give his creative juices an outlet. Did you know that he’s written plays that have been produced by theater companies?! It was definitely exciting for us to learn! For his Flat Object, he decided on a beloved symbol of writers everywhere — the Typewriter! Read on to learn more!

Flat Typewriter Details

The Flat Typewriter joins the Flats as a virtual type. It is currently available in the Freeze Tag Store HERE!

Capture Radius: 300 feet, blastable

Proximity: 50 feet from other players’ Flats, 150 feet from your own.

Deploy: 19 points

Capture: Split 86 points with a minimum of 19 Points (Maxwell Smart’s Agent Number)

CapOn: Split 86 points with a minimum of 19 Points

To access the Flat Typewriter munzee, turn on your “Virtual – Flats” filter or “All Flat Types” filter. For more information on Flats, you can check out our Help Guide article.


There are badge lines for deploying and capturing the Flat Typewriter, which feature actual books and plays written by Craig. You can see the first of each below!

We hope you enjoy collecting all these written works and learning a bit more about Craig in the process!

Munzee on!