Posts Tagged ‘cycling’

July 12, 2022

Road Warriors Road Trip!

After a sneak peek in Florida this weekend, you may have noticed some new Flat Vans driving around! As you’ve probably guessed, these are Dale and Barb’s new Flat Object Munzees, and we’ve got the details for them below!

In addition, we’ve got some exciting news for Dale and Barb fans — they’ll be making a huge Road Trip around the states, covering territory they don’t usually get to visit! As this is such a special occasion, we’ve created new permanent physical munzees for them to deploy along the way and commemorate their trip — read on to learn more!

Flat Van Details

The eighth Flat Object is brought to you by Dale and Barb, our Roadwarriors! They are great ambassadors of our app, keeping in touch with players along the Space Coast and many more areas! If you’ve attended any of the Munzee Events they’ve hosted in the past, you’ve probably already met them, but for those who haven’t been fortunate enough to get to know them, or would like a refresher, you can check out their most recent Meet Munzee Munzday / Team Munzee Tuezday posts HERE and HERE!

The Flat Van joins the Flats as a virtual type. It is currently available in the Space Coast Geo Store HERE!

Flat Van
  • Deploy: 20
  • Capture: Split 70 points with a minimum of 20 Points
  • CapOn: Split 70 points with a minimum of 20 Points
Additional Info
  • Capture Radius: 300 feet
  • Blastable
  • Proximity: 50 feet from other players’ Flats, 150 feet from your own
  • Filters: “Virtual – Flats” filter or “All Flat Types”

For more information on Flats, you can check out our Help Guide article.

Road Warriors 2022 Munzees

As Dale and Barb make their way around the U.S.A. in their not-flat van, they’ll be deploying physicals along their Road Trip route. However, they won’t be deploying on their personal accounts (SpaceCoastGeoStore and DalenBarb) — instead, they’ll be using the Roadwarriors Munzee account, which has the ability to convert greenies to the colorful icon pictured below! If you’ve been Munzee-ing for a while, you’ll find that they are similar to the InternationElles, Whomp Canada, and Wayward Nation munzees.

Road Warriors 2022
  • Capture: Split 70 points with a minimum of 20 Points
Additional Info
  • Filters: “Physical – Tourism”

Although the Road Warriors 2022 Munzees will only be available in the U.S., these special pins will be permanently on the map! So if you’re planning a trip here, be sure to check out a portion of Dale and Barb’s Road Trip route and cap a Road Warriors 2022 Munzee!

Road Trip Route

This week, Dale and Barb are planning to visit Memphis and Ohio. Their main stops afterwards will be Wisconsin, and then Seattle. However, to get the most up-to-date information on Dale and Barb’s whereabouts, make sure to follow them on social media!


There are badge lines for deploying and capturing the Flat Van, which feature items Dale and Barb have on hand — tools to keep the van in tip-top shape, and products that they stock. You can see the first of each below!

There is also a badge for capturing a Road Warriors 2022 munzee, which you can see below. It should give you an idea of the Road Trip route Dale and Barb are planning to take!

Road Warriors 2022- Capture one Road Warriors 2022 Munzee of any type.

We hope you enjoy following Dale and Barb’s van and learning a bit more about them in the process!

Munzee on!

April 11, 2022

Need MORE Pets? Mari’s Flat Object is Actually 2-in-1!

You didn’t really think we’d celebrate National Pet Day with just Pet Rocks, did you? If so — consider it a late April Fool’s prank! With so many loveable pets out there, we knew we had to include a crowd-pleasing, cute, and cuddly animal in the festivities. We got more than we bargained for, as you’ll see — one became two!

The seventh Flat Object is brought to you by Mari, our productive Product Manager! She is the one who keeps MHQ running like a well-oiled machine! Thanks to her diligence in planning things well in advance, we’ve managed to meet a lot of our goals on schedule, rather than 1,000 hours each time! If you’ve attended any of the Munzee Events we’ve hosted in the past, you may have met Mari, but for those who haven’t been fortunate enough to get to know her, or would like a refresher, you can check out her most recent Meet Munzee Munzday post HERE!

Mari’s Flat Object is similar to Wylie’s in that it may be more accurately described as Flat Pets — but as it follows the same structure as other Flat Objects, we’ll still call it one for consistency. Say hello to the Flat Cats, based on her cats Benji and Burr! Benji is the orange one and Burr is the black one – they are brothers and the bestest friends in the whole world! ? They are the stars of many a Zoom call (and possibly the only things keeping Mari from going insane while stuck at home — call it the opposite of the crazy cat lady effect)! Read on to learn more!

Flat Cats Details

The Flat Cats join the Flats as a virtual type. It is currently available in the Freeze Tag Store HERE!

Flat Cats
  • Deploy: 19
  • Capture: Split 89 points with a minimum of 19 Points
  • CapOn: Split 89 points with a minimum of 19 Points
Additional Info
  • Capture Radius: 300 feet
  • Blastable
  • Proximity: 50 feet from other players’ Flats, 150 feet from your own
  • Filters: “Virtual – Flats” filter or “All Flat Types”

For more information on Flats, you can check out our Help Guide article.


There are badge lines for deploying and capturing the Flat Cats, which, as hinted above, feature some cute cat accessoreez and hijinks. You can see the first of each below!

We hope you enjoy catching Flat Cats and learning a bit more about Mari in the process!

Munzee on!

March 21, 2022

Stake Your Claim on the Map With This NEW Flat Object!

It’s been a little over 2 weeks since Munzee Madness 11, and though it was still a multi-stage event, it feels like it ended so quickly. We really missed attending events in-person and seeing players we’ve known for years, along with some new faces! As its first event was in 2012, Munzee Madness is the longest-running annual event hosted by players. It was originated by one of our Resellers, 1849, who owns Gold’n Coins! This quick history lesson is just one example of Resellers helping to maintain and grow the Munzee community — so in honor of ALL our Resellers, we’ve created a NEW game piece just for them!

The sixth Flat Object is a little different from the previous objects, as it was not designed by one specific team member — instead, we’ve developed it to represent our Resellers! As Munzee is a global game, we appreciate that our Resellers make it easier for local players to get their hands on Munzee stickers and other physical items. On top of that, as mentioned above, they are often a huge part of maintaining and growing the local Munzee community.

This Flat (and the badges associated with them) will be continuing the pirate theme we’ve established for our Resellers. Read on to learn more!

Flat RUM Details

The Flat RUM joins the Flats as a virtual type. If you are interested in picking one up, they will be available at most of our Authorized Resellers’ shops some time today. The links to shop all of our resellers are below!

Flat RUM
  • Deploy: 19
  • Capture: Split 83 with a minimum of 18
  • CapOn: Split 83 with a minimum of 18
Additional Info
  • Capture Radius: 300 feet
  • Blastable
  • Proximity: 50 feet from other players’ Flats, 150 feet from your own
  • Filters: In “Virtual – Flats” or “All Flat Types” filter
  • Counts towards both Flat and RUM reqs for Clan Wars and ZeeOps
Store Links

For more information on Flats, you can check out our Help Guide article.


There are badge lines for deploying and capturing the Flat RUM, which, as hinted above, feature the gear you need for a nautical voyage. You can see the first of each below!

ZEE-Dayz Coming Soon!

Similar to last week’s MunzPak ZEE-Dayz, expect a ZEE-Dayz event for non-trial Premium Members kicking off Thursday at 00:01 MHQ! Flat Munzees will see double their normal point values!

If you are shooting for the the badge and exclusive bouncer for hosting an event every month this year, why not plan your March event for this weekend? Your attendees will be raking in the points! To refer to the details for the Monthly Event Packages again, click HERE!

We hope you enjoy capturing the flags and embracing the pirate life!

Munzee on!

February 18, 2022

Are You an Animal Lover? Then You’ll Love Wylie’s Flat Object!

Now that we’re well into 2022, it’s just about time to release our first Flat Object of the year! With National Love Your Pet Day and National Walking the Dog Day coming up, it seemed like the perfect time for this next game piece to come into the spotlight. Expect to see lots of Munzee Merch in the store based on its design in the coming weeks!

The fifth Flat Object is brought to you by Wylie, our powerhouse Production Specialist! If you ever ordered physical products from the Freeze Tag Store, she has been involved in every step of the process in bringing that product to you! From designing to manufacturing to shipping, she can do it all! If you’ve attended any of the Munzee Events we’ve hosted in the past, you may have met Wylie, but for those who haven’t been fortunate enough to get to know her, or would like a refresher, you can check out her most recent Meet Munzee Munzday post HERE!

Wylie’s Flat Object may actually be more accurately described as a Flat Pet — but as it follows the same structure as other Flat Objects, we’ll still call it one for consistency. Say hello to the Flat Murray, based on one of the great loves of Wylie’s life — her pet Corgi (sorry Dylan!). Like his mom and dad, Murray has a flair for fashion, so these pups (and the badges associated with them) will be dressed to the nines. Read on to learn more!

Flat Murray Details

The Flat Murray joins the Flats as a virtual type. It is currently available in the Freeze Tag Store HERE!

Capture Radius: 300 feet, blastable

Proximity: 50 feet from other players’ Flats, 150 feet from your own.

Deploy: 19 points

Capture: Split 91 points with a minimum of 19 Points

CapOn: Split 91 points with a minimum of 19 Points

To access the Flat Murray munzee, turn on your “Virtual – Flats” filter or “All Flat Types” filter. For more information on Flats, you can check out our Help Guide article.


There are badge lines for deploying and capturing the Flat Murray, which, as hinted above, feature some cute Corgi costumes and accessoreez. You can see the first of each below!

We hope you enjoy catching Flat Murrays and learning a bit more about Wylie in the process!

Munzee on!

November 8, 2021

Put Pen to Paper — or Rather, Fingers to Keys — With Craig’s Flat Object!

At MHQ, we like to keep our players on their toes. We had quite a gap between the Flat Disc Golf Basket and the Flat Flashlight, and now, just over a month later, another new Flat Object?! Well, this month is National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo, so we couldn’t pass up this opportunity, as you’ll see! The rest of the MHQ staff has been using their spare moments thoughtfully designing their own Flat Object, so we hope you keep an eye out for them as they are released!

The fourth Flat Object is brought to you by Craig, the CEO! Don’t be intimidated by his title — Craig is one of the more outgoing members of the team who enjoys chatting with players at Munzee Events and learning what makes them tick (not that the rest of us don’t enjoy it — it just seems to come naturally to Craig, without any shyness or awkwardness). For those who haven’t been fortunate enough to get to know him, or would like a refresher, you can check out his most recent Meet Munzee Munzday post HERE!

In his spare time, Craig turns to writing to give his creative juices an outlet. Did you know that he’s written plays that have been produced by theater companies?! It was definitely exciting for us to learn! For his Flat Object, he decided on a beloved symbol of writers everywhere — the Typewriter! Read on to learn more!

Flat Typewriter Details

The Flat Typewriter joins the Flats as a virtual type. It is currently available in the Freeze Tag Store HERE!

Capture Radius: 300 feet, blastable

Proximity: 50 feet from other players’ Flats, 150 feet from your own.

Deploy: 19 points

Capture: Split 86 points with a minimum of 19 Points (Maxwell Smart’s Agent Number)

CapOn: Split 86 points with a minimum of 19 Points

To access the Flat Typewriter munzee, turn on your “Virtual – Flats” filter or “All Flat Types” filter. For more information on Flats, you can check out our Help Guide article.


There are badge lines for deploying and capturing the Flat Typewriter, which feature actual books and plays written by Craig. You can see the first of each below!

We hope you enjoy collecting all these written works and learning a bit more about Craig in the process!

Munzee on!

September 29, 2021

Are You Afraid of the Dark? Fight Back With Tamara’s Flat Object!

Time flies when you’re having fun! We’ve certainly enjoyed playing with Robbie’s Flat Disc Golf Basket — it had its own special, limited-time scatters, and was also part of the most recent Flat Day the 13th! Can you believe it was released all the way back in April?! The rest of the MHQ staff has been using their spare moments thoughtfully designing their own Flat Object, so we hope you keep an eye out for them as they are released!

The third Flat Object is brought to you by Tamara, a Product Manager in training! Many of you may not know Tamara as a lot of the things she does is behind-the-scenes — but for the past few years, you’ve all been reading her writing! For those who haven’t been fortunate enough to get to know her, or would like a refresher, you can check out her most recent Meet Munzee Munzday post HERE!

Tamara’s Flat Object features a humble tool you probably have in your home. As a fan of the mystery and horror genres, she’s created a Flat Flashlight game piece that should keep you well-equipped for the upcoming spooky season. Read on to learn more!

Flat Flashlight Details

The Flat Flashlight joins the Flats as a virtual type. It is currently available in the Freeze Tag Store HERE!

Capture Radius: 300 feet, blastable

Proximity: 50 feet from other players’ Flats, 150 feet from your own.

Deploy: 19 points

Capture: Split 96 points with a minimum of 19 Points (the year Scream came out)

CapOn: Split 96 points with a minimum of 19 Points

To access the Flat Flashlight munzee, turn on your “Virtual – Flats” filter or “All Flat Types” filter. For more information on Flats, you can check out our Help Guide article.


There are badge lines for deploying and capturing the Flat Flashlight, which feature some Munzee-fied versions of different types of flashlights and flashlight attachments. You can see the first of each below!

We hope you enjoy collecting all the different flashlight variations and learning a bit more about Tamara in the process!

Munzee on!

April 19, 2021

Play a Round of Disc Golf With Robbie’s Flat Object!

In February, we introduced the first Flat Object, the Flat DHS! We loved the fun personal touch Dylan gave to his namesake game piece, and when it comes to creativity, Dylan is a hard act to follow. The rest of the MHQ staff has been using their spare moments thoughtfully designing their own Flat Object, so we hope you keep an eye out for them as they are released!

The second Flat Object is brought to you by Robbie, our indispensable Project Manager! If you’re a WallaBee player, Robbie is certainly a familiar face, but lately Robbie’s also been deeply involved in Munzee as well! For those who haven’t been fortunate enough to get to know him, or would like a refresher, you can check out his most recent Meet Munzee Munzday post HERE!

Robbie’s Flat Object features another outdoor hobby of his — disc golf! Whether you’re an avid disc golf player yourself or have never had the opportunity, the all new Flat Disc Golf Basket game piece should be easy to play with for all skill levels. Read on to learn more!

Flat Disc Golf Basket Details

The Flat Disc Golf Basket joins the Flats as a virtual type. It is currently available in the Freeze Tag Store HERE!

Capture Radius: 300 feet, blastable

Proximity: 50 feet from other players’ Flats, 150 feet from your own.

Deploy: 19 points

Capture: Split 90 points with a minimum of 19 Points

CapOn: Split 90 points with a minimum of 19 Points

To access the Flat Disc Golf Basket munzee, turn on your “Virtual – Flats” filter or “All Flat Types” filter. For more information on Flats, you can check out our Help Guide article.


There are badge lines for deploying and capturing the Flat Disc Golf Basket, which feature some Munzee-fied versions of disc golf gear. You can see the first of each below!

In-App Store Update!

Flat Rob, Flat Lou, the Flat DHS, and the Flat Disc Golf Basket are also now available for purchase in the In-App Store! The former two will cost 450 Zeds, while the latter two will cost 500 Zeds.

We hope you enjoy playing disc golf and learning a bit more about Robbie in the process! We also respectfully request that when referring to this game piece, please don’t shorten it to “Flat Basket” — Robbie thinks it makes him sound like a “basket case.” ?

Munzee on!

February 25, 2021

Flat Objects: The Future of Flat Types!

Don’t get us wrong — we love all 4 of our Flat Friends! But not all of our staff members are comfortable with being flattened. To allow for expansion of the Flat type, we’ve come up with Flat Objects! Think of them as the Munzee version of totems (à la Inception) where the Flat Object is something seemingly ordinary but is near and dear to each staff members’ hearts.

The first Flat Object is brought to you by Dylan, our indispensable Creative Director! If you’ve been a Munzee player for a while now, you’ve most likely met him, or at least heard of him… but for those who haven’t been fortunate enough to get to know the man, or would like a refresher, you can check out his most recent Meet Munzee Munzday post HERE!

Dylan’s Flat Object is a throwback to simpler times, and tube TV tech! Say hello to the Flat DHS, stylized after VHS Tapes from the 80s and 90s. Dylan has a nose for nostalgia, so these tapes (and the badges associated with them) will give you an insight to some of his favorite flicks. Read on to learn more!

Flat DHS Details

The Flat DHS joins the Flats as a virtual type. It is currently available in the Freeze Tag Store HERE!

Capture Radius: 300 feet, blastable

Proximity: 50 feet from other players’ Flats, 150 feet from your own.

Deploy: 19 points

Capture: Split 94 points with a minimum of 19 Points

CapOn: Split 94 points with a minimum of 19 Points

To access the Flat DHS munzee, turn on your “Virtual – Flats” filter or “All Flat Types” filter. For more information on Flats, you can check out our Help Guide article.


There are badge lines for deploying and capturing the Flat DHS, which, as mentioned above, feature some Munzee-fied versions of Dylan’s favorite movies. You can see the first of each below!

We hope you enjoy collecting Flat DHS tapes and learning a bit more about Dylan in the process!

Munzee on!


October 17, 2018

Gallop away with Flat Hammock!

The Flat Friends are about to make a new pal! Flat Rob, Flat Matt, and Flat Lou will have to watch their gameplay, because the ban hammer is knocking- welcome the all new Flat Hammock!

This new game piece is based on the one-man wrecking crew Daniel Hammock, who has been running Munzee Support for 5 years. No one at MHQ can think of a time when they’ve actually called him Daniel, or Danny as his family calls him. He’s always affectionately been known as Hammock. Although he started off as a player, in Hammock’s own words, his “dream came true” when he was given “the opportunity of a lifetime” to work for Munzee. Even before officially joining MHQ, Hammock always took it upon himself to help out the Munzee community with any and all issues that would arise. He is best known within the community for swinging the ban hammer, punishing all those who break the code of conduct. To those who know him well he’s a fluffy unicorn of a guy who is very kind and giving. In his free time he enjoys taking his family out for crazy Youtube adventures for the Munzee Monthly Giveaway and giving away prizes each month for players to enjoy. He’s also an avid fan of unicorns, if the Flat Hammock design didn’t make that very apparent.

The first Flat Hammock has been released as a permanent special in Gettysburg, PA. Players will normally be able to purchase their own Flat Hammocks in the Freeze Tag Online Store for $4. In celebration of our new Flat Friend though all Flat Munzees will be discounted! Remember that Flat Friends are not always on sale, so stock up while you can!

The Flat Friends Sale will last until Friday at 15:00 MHQ:

  • Hammock: $3.75- originally $4
  • Rob: $3.75- originally $4
  • Louise: $4 (with $0.25 still going to charity)- originally $4.25
  • Matt: $4.75- originally $5

Players with a Premium Membership will also receive one free Flat Hammock as well.

Like the other Flat Friends, Flat Hammock has a unique release schedule. Hammock may love working for Munzee, but he keeps busy with a variety of other jobs as well. Like other Flats he will choose when Flat Hammocks are available on the map, which will be during his working hours, major event seasons and more. Please note that all scheduled times are based on MHQ time and are subject to change. Since we’re in the middle of Halloween events though, all Flat Friends are on the map until the end of the month and Flat Hammock will join in the fun too!

Here is the general breakdown of Flat Hammocks:


Deploy – 19 Points
Cap/CapOn – Split 80 points with a minimum of 10 points.


Flat Hammocks’ proximity is not affected by other munzees except other Flats. Flat Hammocks must be 50ft from other players’ deploys and 150ft from your own deploys.

You’ll also be able to earn a variety of badges for capturing and deploying Flat Hammocks.

Deploy Badges:

Capture Badges:

Don’t forget about DOUBLE POINT FLAT FRIENDS WEEKEND! On Friday we challenged our players to attend events and capture event pins, and they successfully completed the challenge! There will be double points on all Flat Friends captures and deploys beginning October 26 at 00:01 until October 28 at 23:59. That’s MH-BOO Bash weekend too, so if you’re looking for somewhere to deploy why not check out McKinney, TX! The calendar is also full of events all month long!

Thank you all for your support of the Support Man himself. Our Flat Friends line of munzees would not be possible without the enthusiasm of our players. Of course a huge THANK YOU to Hammock for his dedication to this game. So beware the ban hammer, hug Hammock when you meet him and Munzee On!

May 15, 2018

UK Events Reminder

Howdy, everyone!

We just wanted to remind you that Rob and Louise will be attending two events this weekend in the UK (this one and this one)! They will also be taking a trip to cap the newest Emerald Garden in Richmond Park on Friday. There are still plenty of Emerald Pins available in the Freeze Tag Online Store and time to get one before they get capped!

There is also a growing number of Flat Lous in the area, so make sure to add your own. Flat Robs and Flat Lous are both currently active on the map and Flat Matt will be active on Saturday!

We hope you’re having a great week, and we look forward to announcing some fun new things soon!

Munzee on!