Posts Tagged ‘earth’

April 26, 2019

May Resolutions Badge Details

How has 2019 been treating you so far? If it hasn’t been your year to shine, fear not, because there are still eight months left for positive growth and change! Our monthly Capture Streak Badges have been centered around a year of personal improvement, bringing us the resolution to eat healthy (January), make new friends (February), explore new hobbies (March), and get organized (April). Summer is fast approaching on the Northern Hemisphere, and our May Resolutions badge is to travel more!

Each month’s badge is dedicated to accomplishing a different New Year’s Resolution. Like our Super Streak badges, you will be awarded a badge if you capture at least one Munzee* each day for the entire month. Each month provides the opportunity to put your best foot forward, so if you’re new to the game or accidentally missed a day, there’s no time like the present to get started on your streaks!

Traveling Tips

Many people plan to travel, but then this crazy thing happens. Life gets in the way. Traveling can be a financial burden for many, and big vacations can often take years to plan and save up. However, you only get one life to live, and that life should be filled with happy adventure! Traveling doesn’t have to mean flying around the world; it can involve simply getting into your car and driving to a town nearby that you haven’t explored. It can even involve venturing to new places in your town!

Break the routine of prosaic living and allow yourself the chance to experience more of what the world has to offer. Traveling allows for the chance to experience new walks of life, expand your perspective, and meet new people along the way. Learn how to travel the smart way with budget friendly tips. Rather than rent expensive hotels, take advantage of room renting services, such as Airbnb, to save money. This will also allow you the opportunity to select lodging with a kitchen so that you can save money on dining out! Shopping local and preparing meals will save you a lot of money while away from home.

Many plan vacations for the summer, but traveling in the off-season is almost always a guaranteed way to save money. You can also cut down on expenses by traveling with friends or family, in order to split costs, or by traveling to where you know people. Though you might be tempted to stop for mementos, gift shops and general shopping should be avoided in order to save big bucks. The memories you make should be more than enough, and the less you purchase, the more you’ll be able to travel in the future. Lastly, always try to do some online searching pre-trip to scout out the best deals in the area you’re heading to.

Still don’t think you’ll be able to squeeze a trip in? Luckily you still have Munzee, a real world scavenger hunt that is all about exploration! Remember you can always set up Trail Munzees to lead other players down paths worth exploring in your neighborhood!

Munzee on!

* In order to encourage active gameplay we will not count Social Munzees for these capture streaks. If you know you’ll be in an area without munzees, plan ahead!

March 29, 2019

April Resolutions Badge Details Have Arrived!

Can you believe we’ve already completed a quarter of 2019? Our monthly Capture Streak Badges centered around a year of personal improvement have already brought us the resolution to eat healthy (January), make new friends (February), and explore new hobbies (March). This month we’re happy to introduce getting organized as out April Resolution!

Each month’s badge is dedicated to accomplishing a different New Year’s Resolution. Like our Super Streak badges, you will be awarded a badge if you capture at least one Munzee* each day for the entire month. Remember that each month is the chance to put your best foot forward, so if you’re new to the game or accidentally missed a day, there’s no time like the present to get started on your streaks!

Organize Your Life

Have you heard of the term “spring cleaning?” Even if you’re currently enjoying fall on the Southern Hemisphere, it can benefit your life greatly to join us folks on the Northern Hemisphere and get your life cleaned out and organized this spring.

Did you know that there are health benefits to being organized? Organization is linked to an increased boost in energy. Shake the midday slump with a quick desk organization. Having your personal and digital space in order can lead to a burst in energy. Organization can also lead to better eating habits! That’s right, organizational skills are linked to healthier eating. They can even potentially lower heart attack risks by getting people off their feet and moving!

Organization can also improve sleep habits, which are a critical component of overall health. Clutter can lead to an increase in stress which disrupts sleep time and quality. Give yourself the peace of minded needed to recharge and reboot by having your personal effects in order. Overall, organization is linked to a reduction in stress and an increase in happiness. So don’t forget to use your filters to organize everyone’s favorite game!

Munzee on!

* In order to encourage active gameplay we will not count Social Munzees for these capture streaks. If you know you’ll be in an area without munzees, plan ahead! 

February 28, 2019

March Resolution Badge Details!

How comfortable are you with getting outside of your comfort zone? What skills have you been meaning to sharpen? Our monthly Capture Streak Badges are centered on a year of self-improvement, and March is no different. While January focused on eating healthy and February involved making new friends, March will be the month of picking up new hobbies!

Underwater sweater knitting, anyone?

Each month’s badge will be dedicated to accomplishing a different New Year’s Resolution. Similar to how our Super Streak badges operate, you will be awarded a badge if you capture at least one munzee* each day for the entire month. Even if you missed out on the last two months, it’s never too late to get in on the healthy and happy living! The extra Munzee badge is just an added bonus.

The Importance of Hobbies

What’s your favorite hobby? (I mean aside from Munzee, of course.) While many of us feel consumed by our day to day lives, you don’t have to wait until retirement to explore your hobbies. And if you are already retired, you’re in luck! It’s time to start exploring what you enjoy. Carving a part out of each day to devote to activities that nourish you physically, mentally, and spiritually is tantamount to achieving overall health and well-being.

Maybe you fell out of touch with a cherished childhood activity or you’ve been meaning to explore a new activity for years. Whatever the case, having a hobby is proven to be beneficial for your mind and body. Hobbies are an excellent stress reliever, which has benefits for both your mental happiness and your overall physical health. It’s crucial to remember to take a break and unwind with an enjoyable activity in order to give yourself some important relaxation time.

At the same time, hobbies allow the opportunity for new experiences and challenges. Shake up the normal routine of your daily life and allow your brain to focus on something new. The mental stimulation will be rewarding, while allowing the chance to explore and discover new talents. Who knows what hidden hobby you will discover in yourself! It might even prove to be financially lucrative, while learning new skills can advance your career.

Don’t allow your free time to be wasted! Enrich your spirit by picking up a new hobby this month. Oh and don’t forget to cap something every day this month too!

Munzee on!

* In order to encourage active gameplay we will not count Social Munzees for these capture streaks. If you know you’ll be in an area without munzees, plan ahead! 

February 6, 2019

Limited Time Sale! Shop Mitmegu and More!

It’s time to act fast, because the Mitmegu Pouch Creatures will not be sticking around the Freeze Tag Online Store for long! Our limited time Mitmegu collection sale starts today at 10:00 MHQ time, and you won’t want to miss the following offers!


Only a limited number of Mitmegu will be available for public sale. Each Mitmegu will cost $15, but you can upgrade it with a Bouncer Upgrade credit for an extra $5. The Bouncer Upgrade credit will equip your Mitmegu with the ability to be “nudged” to a new Munzee. This nudge feature can be used up to three times a day (MHQ 24 hour day) after it has sat for a minimum of three hours so that other players have the opportunity to find it.

Joining Mitmegu for sale are our other Pouch Creatures, Tuli, Vesi, and Muru. The Bouncer Upgrade credit will upgrade all Pouch Creatures and all Myths, so be sure to pick one up in the shop! If you haven’t deployed a Pouch Creature yet, now is your chance! The Bouncer Upgrade will also allow you to rename your Pouch Creature. While the name will still retain the unique number, you have the chance to get creative and customize your Pouch Creature’s moniker. (Just remember our player code of conduct!)

Additionally, the Water, Earth, and Fire Elemental Munzees will also be on sale this weekend in strips of 5 for $8, which is 20% off the original price! We also have Shamrock Munzees available in strips of 5 for $8. St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner so stock up now!

Lastly, we are all stocked up with new Pouch Creature Personal Munzee metal tags for $10. The tag designs feature each transformation of a Pouch Creature, including Mitmegu! Pick up your own Personal tag today, featuring your favorite Pouch Creature! Remember that each individual design is limited to ONE per account.

Who’s your favorite Pouch Creature? Let us know by connecting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Happy Shopping, and Munzee On! 

February 5, 2019

Introducing Mitmegu Pouch Creature!

Joining the ranks of Tuli, Vesi, Muru, and Hadavale, we’re happy to announce the release of our latest Pouch Creature, Mitmegu!

Also known as the ever-changing Pouch Creature, there will be a limited number of Mitmegu Pouch Creatures on sale in the Freeze Tag Online Store starting at 10:00 MHQ on Wednesday, February 6. Be sure to shop fast, because Mitmegu will not be in the store for long! Mitmegu will cost $15, but it can also be upgraded using a Bouncer Upgrade credit (formerly the Myth Upgrade) which costs an additional $5.

When the Bouncer Upgrade credit is used, your Mitmegu will then have the ability to be “nudged” to a new Munzee. You can use the nudge feature up to three times a day (MHQ 24 hour day), but only after it has sat for at least 3 hours. This gives players the opportunity to find it before you send it on its way!

The Bouncer Upgrade will also allow you to rename your Mitmegu! The name will still retain the unique number, but feel free to get creative and customize your Pouch Creature’s moniker. Please keep in mind our player code of conduct, and be mindful of maintaining a family friendly environment!


While Mitmegu will be the fourth player-owned Pouch Creature, it will work a bit differently than Tuli, Vesi and Muru. Mitmegu will change forms depending on what it lands on and capture streaks will not impact the changing critter’s evolution.


Mitmegu will land on the following Munzee types:

  • Greenies
  • Shamrock Munzees
  • Scatter Munzees
  • Premium Munzees
  • RPS Munzees

There is a rare opportunity that the Mitmegu will land on an Elemental Mystery and change forms!

  • If Mitmegu lands on a Water Mystery Munzee it turns into Jootmegu
  • If Mitmegu lands on an Earth Mystery Munzee it turns into Rohimegu
  • If Mitmegu lands on a Fire Mystery Munzee it turns into Lokemegu

Mitmegu will retain its number when it changes, and if you upgrade and change its name it will keep that name on all forms. Players can cap Mitmegu on their own munzees as well.

Mitmegu Points

  • Deploy: 250
  • Capture/CapOn: See Below

Mitmegu points will be distributed as follows:

  • Capture: 200 Points
  • CapOn: 100 Points
  • CapOn (Host Owner): 50 points


Jootmegu points will be distributed as follows:

  • Capture: 400 Points
  • CapOn: 100 Points
  • CapOn (Host Owner): 50 points


Rohimegu points will be distributed as follows:

  • Capture: 400 Points
  • CapOn: 100 Points
  • CapOn (Host Owner): 50 points


Lokemegu points will be distributed as follows:

  • Capture: 400 Points
  • CapOn: 100 Points
  • CapOn (Host Owner): 50 points


You can find Mitmegu by turning on your Only Expiring Specials and Only Pouch Creatures filters. This new Pouch Creature WILL be attracted to physical magnets, but only as Mitmegu on Greenies. Don’t forget to pick up a magnet at the Freeze Tag Online Store and magnetize a greenie of your choosing to attract up to 3 Specials, Myths, or Pouch Creatures for up to an hour!

For deploying a Mitmegu Pouch Creature Munzee, you will earn the following deploy badge:

There will also be three badges to earn per variant, amounting to a total of thirteen badges including the deploy badge.

Here are the first for each variant:

Based on items from our sister app WallaBee, Pouch Creatures are part of a new era of munzees. Have you capped a Pouch Creature yet? Let us know by connecting on Facebook, Twitter, or InstagramHappy Hunting, and Munzee On!

January 31, 2019

February Resolution Badge Details!

How has 2019 been treating you so far? As we announced last month in our January Resolutions blog, we will be launching monthly Capture Streak Badges centered on a year of self-improvement. Each month’s badge will be dedicated to accomplishing a different New Year’s Resolution. Similar to how our Super Streak badges operate, you will be awarded a badge if you capture at least one munzee* each day for the entire month. And since this month is the shortest, you have no excuse not to try!

Each month’s badge will be themed around the particular resolution goal. While our January resolution focused on eating healthy, we decided to do something special for the month of love. Love comes in more than just romantic forms, so we made our February resolution to make new friends.

February resolutions badge

Why meet new people?

Though socializing comes natural to some lucky humans, many struggle to build new friendships. While it’s tempting to retreat into yourself, there are actually proven health benefits that friendship can provide.

In fact, having friends may even extend your lifespan. People who forge strong social relationships are less likely to die prematurely compared to their isolated counterparts. Friends help each other get healthier, as well as improve mental sharpness. And, of course, we need friends to lean on in tough times, bounce ideas off, challenge our beliefs, and widen our perspectives. Overall, having a trusted network of friends makes us healthier, more balanced, and more centered beings.

One of our favorite parts about Munzee is all the new people we meet along the way. Whether we’re traveling across states or nations, or simply checking our social media and e-mails, we love hearing about and seeing how Munzee has brought people together. It’s not always easy to branch out, but sharing a common interest really helps with meeting new people. And while nothing can replace physical friends, it’s pretty awesome to have virtual ones as well!

So go out, make some friends, and maybe even introduce them to Munzee! Good luck and Munzee on!

* In order to encourage active gameplay we will not count Social Munzees for these capture streaks. If you know you’ll be in an area without munzees, plan ahead! 

January 31, 2019

Munzee 4.0 Is Finally HERE! New Features and Updates Explained!

We know that you have all been patiently waiting for the new and improved 4.0 version of the Munzee app, and we are happy to announce that it has finally arrived! That’s right, the wait is over.

You can download the iOS version of the new app HERE!

You can download the Android version of the new app HERE!

This is an entirely new build, so you will not update your current version 3 of the Munzee app. Instead you will need to search for the new version in your phone’s app store. Please remember that the app may take some time to propagate, so if you don’t see it in the App or Google Play Store, just give it some time. We will be keeping version 3 of the app active temporarily, but we do plan to shut down that version in the near future, so just go ahead and download 4.0 today!

But before you jump into the newly updated game, complete with brand new features, allow us to break down some of our favorite things about 4.0!

The latest version of everyone’s favorite game is a foundation for us to build upon. We consider it a vision for the future, with additional tools being added regularly as we move forward. Due to limitations from version 3, we’ve had to delay some awesome features in the past, but this will limit us no more! We have some big ideas ahead, but for now let’s take a look at what 4.0 has to offer!

Main Feature Updates

  • New and improved map loading speed.
  • New square pins for Physical Munzees and round pins for Virtual Munzees.
  • Updated artwork to include all types in pin form to more precisely show the location of the munzee.
  • New interactive walkthrough tutorial hosted by our buddy the newly energized Rover.
  • Reorganization of filters into categories, making them easier to sort through.
  • Players can now combine multiple premium filters at a time.
  • Larger, cleaner font throughout the game.
  • Improved compass that more clearly indicates the Northern point.
  • Improved follow feature to keep player marker centered on the map.
  • New in-app announcements system that will deliver news directly to the players.

Additional Updates

  • The Munzee capture button at the bottom changes between square and round depending on the type selected on the map so you always know which type you’re looking for.
  • Pouch Creatures and Evolution Munzees now include stage numbers.
  • New “All Alternamyths” and “All Places” premium filters.
  • Filters are now applied immediately. Players do not need to save each time they choose filters.
  • Players can now see what filters they have set for each preset, making it easier to edit and make changes.
  • Magnet and Special timers now show down to the minutes/seconds.
  • Added a new “Inventory” section to the profile, making it more clear to new players what they have available to deploy.
  • Players can now quickly tap to capture from the List view using the new green arrow buttons, instead of sliding the entry in the list then tapping to cap.
  • Tapping on badge notifications in the activity feed now takes you to that specific badge in your collection. 
  • Added countdown timer to the leaderboards for when it will reset in MHQ time.

Share with Friends

We know that playing Munzee can be a bit overwhelming to new players, but many of our most diehard fans appreciate the complexity and pride that comes with mastering this multi-layered game. Luckily with our new in-app tutorial for new players, it’s easier than ever to introduce new players to Munzee. That’s why we’re asking our players to share 4.0 with their friends and family! 

As a limited time extension to our current Munzee Referral Program, we will host a referral contest starting next week! Help us share the new app and Grow the Game for a chance to earn a limited edition badge, prizes, and more! We’ll have more information next week, but this contest will not be retroactive, and it will only run from February 1 through 28.

While you’re waiting for those details, though, head over to the Freeze Tag Online Store and download a free Custom Referral Card. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to introduce new players to the game and get rewarded for it. The Custom Referral Card will contain your personal Referral code to share with new players. The more shares, the more rewards!

We will also be running several sales tomorrow in celebration of the 4.0 update release! There will be a separate blog post detailing those sales today at 12:00 MHQ, and all sales will begin at 12:15 MHQ.

We know this is long overdue, but we can’t explain enough how many possibilities this opens for the future. The whole team has worked so hard for this release, and we’re ready to keep the momentum moving forward! Thank you to the beta testers for their support (and constructive criticisms) throughout this process. This app would not be what it is today if it wasn’t for them.

Lastly we’d like to give a BIG thank you to all of our players for all of your patience. Thank you for the feedback! Thank you for helping us build the map! Thank you to the many who devote daily dedication to playing Munzee! We wouldn’t be here without you!

So go check out 4.0! Happy Hunting, and Munzee On!

January 29, 2019

Begin your Adventure with Trail Munzee Badges!

One of the best parts about Munzee is the opportunity to explore new places, so we decided to drop nine new badges for activity on Trail Munzees. These badges will drop today (1/29) at 10:00 MHQ. That means if you’re reading this, you have the opportunity to earn them!

As many of you know, the Trail Munzees are deployed in a path that leads other players to a place worth seeing. These munzees can form a tour to one of your favorite local hangs, or lead others to a site that makes your town unique. As long as they get you out of the house and exploring, the Trail Munzees are doing their job!

Overall there with be nine new Trail Munzee badges being released today. These badges will be retroactive. There will be 3 badges for capturing Trail Munzees, 3 badges for deploying Trail Munzees, and 3 badges for completing entire Trails.

All Trail Munzee types will count towards these badges:

  • Trail Munzees
  • Virtual Trail Munzees
  • Event Trail Munzees

We won’t spoil the requirements for all of the badges, but here’s a sneak peak of the first in each line!

Gatherer- Capture 10 Trail Munzees of any type. 

Wayfinder- Deploy 5 Trail Munzees of any type. 

Daytripper- Capture every stop on a single Trail of any type.

Help create new opportunities in your neighborhood by deploying Trail Munzees! Stop by the Freeze Tag Online Store and purchase physical credits, which you can use to convert regular greenies into Trail stops. Or you can purchase Virtual credits individually; you will receive a Virtual Trail credit and a Virtual Munzee with each purchase.

The physical Trail tags (either metal or plastic tree tags) are hardcoded with Trail munzees, so you don’t need basic greenies. Click here to see the entire Trail Munzee collection.

Don’t forget to let us know when you earn new badges! Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to let us know how you’re doing. Happy hunting and Munzee on!

January 10, 2019

Roll a STRIKE with new Bowling Ball Capture Badges!

You alleycats ready to hit the lanes? We’ve got three new sets of badges for capturing Bowling Ball Munzees! Remember, Bowling Ball Munzees are a Gaming Line item based on ten-pin bowling. In the mini game you earn points based on how many “pins” you knock down as well as earning STRIKES and/or SPARES.

There are badges for overall captures, number of strikes, and number of spares, with three badges for each line. These badges won’t be easy to come by, but they are retroactive, so your past rolls will count toward these. The badges are now live and available to earn!

Per usual we won’t show you every badge, but enough to get you rolling:

Let’s Go Bowling: Capture 1 Bowling Ball Munzee

Lane Laborers: Earn a Strike on a Bowling Ball Munzee

Lane Locks: Earn a Spare on a Bowling Ball Munzee

Help out your fellow players by deploying Bowling Ball stickers as well! For a limited time you can purchase 10 Bowling Ball Munzees for $20 (regularly $25) in the Freeze Tag Online Store. They are stickers not tied to any account, so you can share with friends!

You can also pick up other gaming munzees on sale too! For a limited time you can purchase Prize Wheel Credits for $4.50 (normally $5) and Rock Paper Scissors Credits for $1.25 (normally $1.50)! You can check out the entire Gaming Munzee Collection here: Prize wheel credits have not been available for purchase in quite a long time so now is your chance to stock up.

These items will remain on sale until Monday at 10:00 am MHQ time, so get rolling!

Happy hunting and Munzee on!



December 29, 2018

New Year’s Resolution Streak Badges!

With the new year nearly here, we’ve all got ways we’d like to better ourselves in 2019. Easier said than done, right? Well we know how tough it is to keep up with new year’s resolutions so we’ve put together a rewards system to help keep you on track! How you ask? By capping munzees of course!

We’re excited to announce that starting January 1st we’re launching monthly Capture Streak Badges focused on various New Year’s Resolutions. Similar to the Super Streak badges all you have to do is capture at least one munzee* each day for the entire month. If you can make it through the whole month you’ll be awarded a badge themed to that month’s resolution goal!

To kick things off we’re all going to try and eat better in January! Look, nobody likes french fries and desserts more than us, but we need a little more greenery in our lives! 

Did you know?

According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, just 1 in 10 adults in the US eat the recommended amount of fruit or vegetables? Depending on various factors federal guidelines recommend that adults eat at least 1½ to 2 cups per day of fruit and 2 to 3 cups per day of vegetables.  By having fruits and vegetables in your daily diet you can reduce the risk of many leading causes of illness and death, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and obesity. While some countries may have a better percentage of healthy eaters than the US we know there is always room for improvement!

The more you know, right?!

We know capping a munzee each day won’t magically make you eat better, but we hope as you work towards this capture streak you think about grabbing an apple on your way back! We’re all in this together and if nothing else it will help you get one step closer to the yearlong capture and deploy streak badges. We’ll have a different resolution badge design each month, but try and keep up with your resolutions throughout the year! We believe in you!

Here’s to 2019! Go green and Munzee on!


* In order to encourage active gameplay we will not count Social Munzees for these capture streaks. If you know you’ll be in an area without munzees plan ahead!