Posts Tagged ‘jogging’

June 26, 2020

July 2020’s Resolution Is Not Just For Kids!

Now that summer is in full swing, have you been able to enjoy some of your usual hot-weather activities? While it’s certainly easier to break a sweat due to the temperature, we hope you aren’t slacking off on your fitness regimen! As we announced in our January Resolutions blog, we will be launching monthly Capture Streak Badges centered on a year of being active. Each month’s badge will be dedicated to practicing a different exercise. Similar to how our Super Streak badges operate, you will be awarded a badge if you capture at least one munzee* each day for the entire month. This month’s badge may be tricky to get, but we believe in you!

Each month’s badge will be themed around the particular resolution goal. For July we are featuring jump rope! Like last month’s exercise, jogging, jumping rope is a great aerobic exercise and is also very simple to do. Another benefit from jumping rope is that it exercises your coordination and ability to focus — after all, maintaining the rhythm you have turning the rope and jumping over it at the same time is no easy feat, and it gets harder as you become more tired. The only downside (or rather, barrier) to jumping rope is that it does require 1 piece of equipment and a space bubble big enough to fit your entire body comfortably within the bounds of the jump rope while standing or jumping. If you don’t have enough space, you might get your rope caught on something and injure yourself or others.

What is the perfect jump rope length?

The answer depends on whether you’re jumping alone or with a group! If you’re jumping alone, the perfect length will depend on your height. According to, anyone shorter than 4’9″ should use a 7-foot rope, while anyone taller than 6’6″ should use an 11-foot rope. If, like most people, you’re somewhere in-between, check out the link to see how long your jump rope should be!

While it may be a while before you get to jump in a group, LiveStrong’s suggested rope lengths grow depending on how many people are jumping. For a single jumper with the ropes being turned by two others, a 12-foot rope should suffice. However, more than 4 jumpers will require at least double that length! If you’re jumping double dutch, these same recommendations apply — and both ropes should be the same length!

Before you attempt any exercise, it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor**. Good luck and Munzee on!

* In order to encourage active gameplay we will not count Social Munzees for these capture streaks. If you know you’ll be in an area without munzees, plan ahead! 


May 26, 2020

June 2020’s Resolution Can Be Done In Place!

Summer is almost upon us — how did that happen? Time seems to flow extremely slowly in our day-to-day, and yet somehow, whole months have passed! June is a time for graduations, weddings, and many other celebrations, so if a special day of yours is coming up, we hope you have a great one! As we announced in our January Resolutions blog, we will be launching monthly Capture Streak Badges centered on a year of being active. Each month’s badge will be dedicated to practicing a different exercise. Similar to how our Super Streak badges operate, you will be awarded a badge if you capture at least one munzee* each day for the entire month. This month’s badge may be tricky to get, but we believe in you!

Each month’s badge will be themed around the particular resolution goal. For June, we’ve decided to feature the old standby — jogging! Jogging is a great aerobic exercise because it requires you to maintain a brisk pace for an extended period of time, rather than running as fast as you can in one burst. The idea is that you won’t use up all your energy at once and stop before reaching the recommended amount of active exercise time (at least 30 minutes a day, which can be broken up into chunks as small as 10 minutes).

Jogging is easy enough to do, but so boring! How can I make jogging more fun and keep my motivation up?

Of course, there are the usual ideas — make a fun playlist to listen to as you jog and wear a colorful outfit you feel good in, like the people in the badge art above. Plan a scenic route so you’ll enjoy the view. But if you want to mix it up a bit, why not pretend you’re the lead actor or actress in an action movie or TV show? There’s lots of things to be running away from, like zombies, large boulders, explosions — you name it! There are even apps to help make the experience more immersive, such as Zombies, Run!

Similarly, if you are going to be jogging on a treadmill or in place indoors, you could watch your favorite action movie or TV show at the same time to help with your image training! Rocky training montage, anyone? What are some other great movies or shows to watch while jogging?

Before you attempt any exercise, it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor**. Good luck and Munzee on!

* In order to encourage active gameplay we will not count Social Munzees for these capture streaks. If you know you’ll be in an area without munzees, plan ahead!