Introducing the Warrior Nomad!

The Jewel Thief, Bellhop and Pirate Nomads have been bouncing across the world and causing mischief, but a new challenger has entered the arena! Warrior Nomads have started to collect an armory and are bouncing to Clan Weapon Munzees worldwide!

10 Warrior Nomads are live NOW and bounce on physical Clan Weapon Munzees every 12 hours or when captured. Like other Nomads, you will earn 100 points for capturing a Warrior Nomad and the owner of the host Clan Weapon Munzee will earn 20 points.

These badges will also count towards the Nomad Munzee Badge Line.


Name: Warrior Nomad

How Many Are There: 10

What Does It Do: Bounces on Clan Weapon Munzees every 12 hours or when capped.


  • Capture: 100
  • CapOn (for host owner): 20

Release Date/Time: LIVE NOW

We hope you enjoy this new Nomad!

Munzee on!