Posts Tagged ‘Pig’

January 11, 2019

Turn back time with the Evolution Munzee Reset credit!

As more and more Evolution Munzees hit their final levels, we wanted to offer players the opportunity to reset Evos on their own terms. We’re excited to announce new Evo Reset credits that players can use to return their Evos to level one on a case by case basis!

Evo Reset credits are now available in the Freeze Tag Online Store and cost $0.25 each. They can be used once each on individual Evolution Munzees of any type. Our hope is that this option will allow new players the opportunity to cap early levels without owners having to wait on MHQ to do worldwide resets. This will also be a tool for even more CapOn points on munzees you already own!

Similar to past worldwide resets, these new credits will not allow other players to re-cap these munzees again, but the earlier stages will be available to players who have not capped that particular stage.

Using an Evo Reset credit is easy! Since you won’t have to go to the actual Evo’s location, this credit can only be used from your player profile on the Munzee website. Simply go to that Munzee’s details page and you’ll see a button that says “Reset Evolution.” Just click that and you’ll be prompted to use the credit. This will then reset that Evo back to level one!

As we get closer to rolling out Version 4.0 of the app we’ll also be updating the Evo designs to better showcase the current level of that Munzee.  Below are just a sample of the various Evolution Munzees, but you’ll also notice the distinction between physical and virtual munzees as well. A large part of our 4.0 redesigns are to make our gameplay experiences easier to understand for new and veteran players alike. This update is a direct result of a recent suggestion by one of our beta testers!

You can get your hands on both Physical and Virtual Evolution Munzee packs as well as Evo Reset Credits in this collection:

Don’t forget that our Premium users each earned a Golden Carrot Evo credit earlier today as well so be sure to deploy that!

Bring those crops, vehicles, barns and more back to life! Happy hunting and Munzee on!

August 27, 2018

Bacon Day 2018 Specials and Evolution Munzee Point Increase!

Are you ready to celebrate six degrees of Bacon? We’re excited to announce that from 00:01 MHQ on August 28th until 23:59 MHQ on September 2nd all manner of pork product Specials will be bouncing around the map!

If you happened to be playing Munzee in 2013 you might remember our first Bacon Day special, but this time around we’re switching things up a bit. For instance, did you know that Bacon is different in other parts of the globe? In order to appeal to bacon lovers across the world we will have two physical specials:

888 “American-style” Bacon Specials will bounce* on Greenies every 6 hours or when captured. These sizzling specials will be attracted to physical Munzee Magnets and you’ll earn 45 points for Capture and 45 points for CapOn.

999 “International-style” Bacon Specials will bounce* on Greenies and Premium Munzees every 6 hours or when captured. These slightly different slices of bacon will be attracted to physical Munzee Magnets on Greenies and you’ll earn 40 points for Capture and 40 points for CapOn.

*Please note that both American and International Bacon Specials will bounce worldwide and will not be limited to specific regions. 

In additions to the precious pork products there will also be 777 Flying Pig Virtual Specials floating to MVMs every 6 hours or when captured. These soaring swine specials will be attracted to Virtual Munzee Magnets and you’ll earn 50 points for Capture and 50 points for CapOn.

Per usual there are a variety of badges you can earn for capturing Bacon Day Specials and these will also count toward the Specials Badges. There are a total of six badges you can earn throughout the allotted Specials timeframe. We’ll show you the three for capping each of the different Special types, but you’ll have to discover the the other three yourselves!

We also have some new sets of porky Personal Tags available in the Freeze Tag Online Store. Per usual these are in limited quantity so get yours before they run out!

Please note that these Bacon Day Specials are different than the Pig Evolution Munzee line from the Farm Set, which also includes a Bacon level. We’re celebrating all forms of Bacon though, so we’re excited to announce that we’re updating the points on ALL Evolution Munzees as well! The point increase will go live at the same time the specials do and is for all Physical and Virtual Evos except the Golden Carrot, which was already increased earlier this month.

The new points will be as follows:

Level 1: 
Deploy: 20
Cap: 20
CapOn: 10

Level 2:
Deploy: N/A
Cap:  35
CapOn: 20

Level 3:
Deploy: N/A
Cap: 50
CapOn: 30

That’s not all though! In connection to the point increase we will also reset ALL Evolution Munzees back to Level One.  Please note that this will not allow other players to re-cap these munzees again, but the earlier stages will be available to players who have not capped that particular stage. The reset will go live with the point increase at 00:01 MHQ on August 28th as well.

So if you’ve stockpiled Evos, now is the time to get those deployed! Sticking to the theme we’d suggest capping and deploying a handful of Farm Set Evos if you have them. To help out we’ve also put together some Evo Packs which are available in the Freeze Tag Online Store.

Farm Set Evolution Sticker Pack: Random 10 count for $12.50- Discounted from $17.50
Virtual Evolution Pack: 9 count for $17.50- Discounted from $22.50

We hope you enjoy these sizzling Specials while they last! Try and keep your cholesterol down and as always, Munzee On!