Posts Tagged ‘Reset’

March 19, 2020

Reset Evolution Munzees Inside the App!

We had a lot of information for you yesterday on all the changes for Elemental Munzees, so to make sure this update didn’t fly under the radar, we’ve decided to feature it in its very own blog post. As of the updates made yesterday, you can now reset Evolution Munzees inside the app!

How to Reset an Evolution Munzee

Previously, this functionality was only available on the Munzee website. If you need a refresher on that, you can check out the instructions in the Help Guide.

Anyone can reset any Evolution Munzee in the app, whether you own the munzee or not:

  • Navigate to the Munzee Details of the Evolution Munzee you would like to reset
  • Tap on the purple [Reset Evolution] button at the bottom of the screen
  • Confirm that you would like to use an Evolution Reset Credit in the following popup
  • That’s it!

Reset Evolution Munzee


Benefits of Resetting Evolution Munzees

As illustrated in our screenshots above, the main benefit of resetting an Evolution Munzee is that you will be able to capture stages of that munzee that you haven’t captured yet!

While that often means earlier stages for most players, the opposite can also apply: if the Evolution Munzee has variants at the final stage, such as the Flower Evolutions, resetting it will re-roll the dice! This means you could potentially cap all 5 of the Carnation Blossoms below from the same munzee!

Sound Familiar?

If you’ve been keeping up with our recent updates, you may notice we’ve done quite a few relating to this specific area of the app:

We are always trying to find ways to balance the advanced gameplay available on our website with the convenience — and unfortunately, smaller screen size — of our app. We hope this change accomplishes that, and that you look forward to the many more improvements to come!

Munzee on!

September 21, 2016

Virtual Reset

You’ve probably noticed that we’ve been encouraging quite a bit of map clean up recently. From the Recycle Icons in June (and again in August) to the introduction of Dormant and Inactive player account titles. We want to ensure that current players aren’t being hindered or shut out by those who don’t maintain their munzees. With your help, these actions have cleaned much of the map and brought it to the best condition in years. This progress is now going to be taken to a new level.

On October 3rd, a virtual “reset” will be taking place. If you are an active player who does not have a “Dormant” or “Inactive” title, you have nothing to worry about. Your virtuals will remain in their locations. For those WITH “Dormant” or “Inactive” titles, please be aware that this will be taking place. (If you need a quick reminder about these titles, check out the Post from the Prez.)

Virtuals of “Inactive” players will be undeployed and their coordinates will be reset. They will then be placed back in their Undeployed list. If these players become active again, they will be able to deploy them again anywhere in the world. “Inactive” and “Dormant” players will also be receiving an email with this information. Virtuals that WILL NOT be effected are:

  • Emerald Gardens
  • Miss Wheelchair USA Garden
  • Virtual Resorts
  • Virtual Trails

While we hate to see players become inactive, we certainly understand that life can get in the way, priorities change, etc. Players who are respectful to the Munzee community and its rules are certainly welcome back any time. However, there are some inactive players who have vast quantities of virtuals in high density areas to the point that they have monopolized them. In most of these cases, it was done when Virtual Munzees were first introduced. Now, those former players receive no benefit from the points being earned, and you, the current players, do not benefit as much from the newer munzees with more beneficial point structures. While we are grateful for all of those who have played, our current and future players are our main priority.

Now, you may be thinking, “I’ve got an “Inactive” tag, but I don’t want this to happen to me. What can I do to stop it?” Or, you may be thinking, “I’m an active player. I just wanted to know what was going on, and now I’ve read this long blog post. Have I just wasted that time?” For those in the former category, all you have to do is scan the munzee below. Doing so will remove your account from a “Dormant” or “Inactive” status, and your account will not be effected. For those in the latter category, no, of course you haven’t wasted your time! You read our blog, and we appreciate it very much because it means you’re a great part of our community and will most likely spread the word. Also, you get to scan the munzee below to earn points! Proactive current players might also start to plan for upcoming open locations to deploy virtuals, these will obviously be first come first served. We will post a list of player generated virtual gardens prior to October 3.



  • Virtual Reset occurring October 3rd
  • Reset effects virtuals of players with “Inactive” title
  • Does not effect Emerald Gardens, Miss Wheelchair USA Garden, Virtual Resorts, or Virtual Trails
  • Virtuals will be undeployed, have their coordinates reset, and will be returned to the player’s Undeployed list
  • Previously occupied locations will be open for new/current players to deploy
  • Scan the munzee above to remove “Inactive” or “Dormant” status or if you just want the points

Thanks for your support, and Munzee on!