Posts Tagged ‘secret’

January 17, 2022

Secret ZeeOps- Operation: ICEolation (January 2022)

All caught up with Secret ZeeOps and looking for more? Here’s a new one available in the ZeeOps Hub for the usual cost of 1,500 Zeds. For now, it will be available for purchase until 23:59 MHQ on February 28. If you’ve purchased a Secret ZeeOp, you will be able to complete it and collect rewards even after it is no longer available for purchase.

Are you ready to brave the cold to investigate an arctic outpost? If you complete ALL the missions in Operation: ICEolation, you’ll receive the snazzy badge below, along with the new Abominable SN0W Machine Mech (more info below!) and various other rewards listed in the app!

There are 3 levels. Level 1 has 3 missions, Level 2 has 5 missions, and Level 3 has 5 missions. Each level ends with more prizes.

We may share this information moving forward with other Operations but possibly not.

Abominable SN0W Machine Details

Like the other Munzee Mechz, the Abominable SN0W Machine is a temporary POB that will remain on the map until it has been captured 15 times.


  • Deploy: 550
  • Capture: 250 – 350
  • CapOn: 100 – 200
  • Frostbitten (15th Cap): 500

You can find these rugged robots stomping to the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

Abominable SN0W Machines will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture Abominable SN0W Machines on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same Abominable SN0W Machine visits you. Abominable SN0W Machines are non-blastable. They will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access Abominable SN0W Machines by turning on your “All Expiring Specials” filter.

When a Abominable SN0W Machine is captured, it will scatter up to 3 SN0W Bombs.

The SN0W Bombs are similar to SC4RABs (as you’ll see below):

  • Capture:
    • Explode Result: lose 10 points
    • Freeze Result: 25 points
    • Disarm Result: 75 points
  • CapOn: 25 – 50 points

They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet.


As with other Munzee Mechz, the badge for deploying the Abominable SN0W Machine depicts the Blueprints, and is shown below.

There is also a badge for capturing an Abominable SN0W Machine. You can see what that badge looks like below:

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

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November 23, 2021

Secret ZeeOps- Operation: Mr. E (November 2021)

All caught up with Secret ZeeOps and looking for more? Here’s a new one available in the ZeeOps Hub for the usual cost of 1,500 Zeds. For now, it will be available for purchase until 23:59 MHQ on December 31. If you’ve purchased a Secret ZeeOp, you will be able to complete it and collect rewards even after it is no longer available for purchase.

Can you help us track down a former agent? If you complete ALL the missions in Operation: Mr. E, you’ll receive the snazzy badge below, along with both forms of the Master of Disguise Munzee (more info below!) and various other rewards listed in the app!

There are 3 levels. Level 1 has 3 missions, Level 2 has 5 missions, and Level 3 has 5 missions. Each level ends with more prizes.

We may share this information moving forward with other Operations but possibly not.

Master of Disguise Details

The Master of Disguise (MoD) is a Zeecret Weapon that behaves similarly to the Surprise Munzee in that it appears on the map as its own pin, but when captured it actually awards the capture of another type.

Did you catch the difference between how the MoD and the Surprise Munzee work? It’s quite subtle, so let’s clarify: when you capture a MoD, it awards the capture of another type, meaning, if you check the [Achievements] –> [Specials] area of the app you will see the pin image of that type. When you capture a Surprise, it will still award the capture of a Surprise (and will be what you see in the [Achievements] –> [Specials] area of the app) but the capture message and the points you receive will vary based on the types currently in the Surprise pool.

The pool for the MoD is different than the one for the Surprise, so don’t expect Jewels and Destination Rooms (at least for now)!


  • Deploy: 50
  • Capture: varies according to “disguise” — if you are awarded the actual Master of Disguise capture (a rare possibility) it is worth 100 points
  • CapOn: varies according to “disguise” — if another player is awarded the actual Master of Disguise capture (a rare possibility) from one that you have deployed, it is worth 35 points to you

You can access MoDs by turning on their filter in “Physicals – ZeeOps” and “Virtuals – ZeeOps”. If you manage to receive an actual MoD capture, you will earn a special badge — as there is only one badge in this line, we’ll keep it a secret for now. Capping these new munzees will also contribute progress towards the overall Zeecret Weapon captures badge line!

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

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September 17, 2021

Secret ZeeOps- Operation: Jungle Jammer (September 2021)

UPDATE: We also wanted to let you know we’ve swapped out a few Daily ZeeOps missions to include some of our newer releases!

All caught up with Secret ZeeOps and looking for more? Here’s a new one available in the ZeeOps Hub for the usual cost of 1,500 Zeds. For now, it will be available for purchase until 23:59 MHQ on October 31. If you’ve purchased a Secret ZeeOp, you will be able to complete it and collect rewards even after it is no longer available for purchase.

Are you game to help us debug our jungle simulation? If you complete ALL the missions in Operation: Jungle Jammer, you’ll receive the snazzy badge below, along with the MONK3Y Munzee (more info below!) and various other rewards listed in the app!

There are 3 levels. Level 1 has 3 missions, Level 2 has 4 missions, and Level 3 has 5 missions. Each level ends with more prizes.

We may share this information moving forward with other Operations but possibly not.

MONK3Y Details

The MONK3Y is a special combination of Evolution and Munzee Mech. The evolution breakdown is as follows:

  • MONK3Y to PriM8: after 3 caps (3 caps total)
  • PriM8 to KiNG CoG: after 5 caps (8 caps total)
  • KiNG CoG to Auto-Archive: after 4 caps (12 caps total)

You can get the full details in our Help Guide article HERE!

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

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July 15, 2021

Secret ZeeOps- Operation: QRypt Capper (July 2021)

All caught up with Secret ZeeOps and looking for more? Here’s a new one available in the ZeeOps Hub for a discounted cost of 1,000 Zeds (normally Secret ZeeOps cost 1,500 Zeds)! For now, it will be available for purchase until 23:59 MHQ on July 31, but will likely return in the future at the usual cost. The past Secret ZeeOps will also be removed from the ZeeOps Hub at the end of July. However, if you’ve already purchased any of those Secret ZeeOps, you will be able to complete it and collect rewards even after it is no longer available for purchase.

Can you navigate through a labyrinthine pyramid to prevent a curse from being unleashed? If you complete ALL the missions in Operation: QRypt Capper, you’ll receive the snazzy badge below, along with the S4RC0PH4GUS Munzee (more info below!) and various other rewards listed in the app!

There are 4 levels. Level 1 has 1 mission, Level 2 has 2 missions, Level 3 has 3 missions, and Level 4 has 4 missions. Each level ends with more prizes.

We may share this information moving forward with other Operations but possibly not.

S4RC0PH4GUS Details

The S4RC0PH4GUS is unique in that after its 5th capture, it will be archived and trigger the deploy of a new MUMM33 tPOB AND up to 3 SC4RAB scatters. If you’re lucky, SC4RABs can award points and a few Zeds — but on the other side of the coin, you may lose a few points. As the MUMM33 and SC4RAB will be deployed on the S4RC0PH4GUS owner’s account, there are CapOn rewards for the owner! You can get the full details in our Help Guide article HERE!

Please note that capping the S4RC0PH4GUS will NOT count towards the Daily ZeeOps mission “Capture any Munzee that scatters other Munzees” as it only scatters on the 5th capture.

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

This message will self destruct in 3… 2… 1…

June 16, 2021

Past Secret ZeeOps Return!

Agents, as the world is still recovering from the past year, we know not everything has gone according to plan. Some of you have wanted to participate in Secret ZeeOps, but it just wasn’t in the cards. Since we’ve shaken things up, we thought the time was right to offer a second chance at the past Ops! You can find them in the ZeeOps Hub.

If you haven’t gotten a L.A.S.E.R. Shark Blueprint yet, remember that you’ll receive the base one as a reward for Operation: ZEEcret Admirer, the Golden one as a reward for Operation: Green Thumb, and the Arctic one as a reward for Operation: Lady Luck. As always, if you’ve purchased a Secret ZeeOp, you will be able to complete it and collect rewards even after it is no longer available for purchase.

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

This message will self destruct in 3… 2… 1…

June 16, 2021

RUMbots and Blueprints and Cogs! Oh my!

Last month’s Spyderbot Squashing Initiative was successful in decreasing the number of Spyderbots on the map, but without changes to the Spyderbots themselves, the numbers have climbed back up again. To keep the bouncers more varied and fun for players to chase after, we’ve created a new credit called a “Cog” which will replace the Spyderbot as the Day 7 Daily ZeeOps reward.

Paired with Blueprints, you’ll be able to use those Cogs to deploy new tPOBs of your choosing. If you started playing Munzee more than half a year ago, you’ll be happy to know that past Blueprints you’ve collected will be of use! However, please note that tPOBs deployed using this new system have been rebuilt to offer a more consistent experience. This means things like point values and scatters remain the same as the originals, but expiration triggers and badge lines are different. If you missed out on any of those past Blueprints, you’ll find some of them available in the Freeze Tag Store. Like many of our other items, Blueprint availability will be on rotation.

If you have the right Blueprint, instead of using the 5 Cogs you’ll receive upon completing your Day 7 Daily ZeeOps mission to deploy a Spyderbot, now you have the option of saving up Cogs to deploy something more powerful, like a *L.A.S.E.R. Shark. The choice will be yours within the options given.

Don’t worry if you have any Spyderbots out on the map — those will remain. As mentioned above, moving forward Daily ZeeOps will award Cogs instead of the Spyderbot directly. Of course, not all tPOBs are created equal, so different amounts of Cogs are required to convert to each tPOB type.

You’ll find all the details and conversion rates at These rewards/rates may change from time to time. You will see your available list of blueprints on the Redeem page. If you don’t see the blueprint you’ll need to find the location to purchase or earn it. Cogs are currently only available as Daily ZeeOps rewards, but this may change in the future. There are many options out there for us to use and award these Cogs as prizes!

RUMBot Details

What better way to launch Cogs than with some new tPOBs to build? To continue support of our Authorized Resellers, we’ve developed RUMbots! Please welcome these very special swashbucklers color-coded to match each Reseller’s shop!

Similar to the Spyderbot, RUMbots are temporary POBs that will remain on the map until they have been captured 5 times. They will be available at our Authorized Resellers’ shops some time today. When you purchase a RUMbot  from a Reseller, you will receive a fully-built RUMbot that auto-deploys. You will also receive the Blueprint to rebuild it when you have earned enough Cogs in the future. Interested? You can get links to shop all of our resellers HERE!


  • Deploy: 300
  • Capture: 150
  • CapOn: 200

You can find these worldly warriors sailing to the following landing pads every 6 hours or when captured:

RUMbots of ANY type will be available for multi-capture. That means players can capture RUMbots on their own munzees, any previously captured munzees, and more than once if the same RUMbot visits you. RUMbots are non-blastable. They will be attracted to both Physical Magnets and Virtual Magnets. You can access RUMbots by turning on your “All Expiring Specials” filter.


Deploying a RUMbot will earn you the Blueprint badge. You can see the badge for the Gold’n Coins RUMbot as an example below.

There is also a line of capture badges that you can earn for RUMbot captures! You can see the first badge in this line below.

We hope you look forward to dueling these droids!

Munzee on!


*The 3 L.A.S.E.R. Shark blueprints will only be available through completing the Secret ZeeOps. Did you miss out on one of them? Stay tuned…

May 15, 2021

Secret ZeeOps- Operation: Lady Luck (May 2021)

UPDATE: Information on Operation: Green Thumb was corrected below.

Agents, we were lucky to have an uneventful April — perhaps all the crooks were on Spring Break? With the extra time, we made some much-needed updates to our system! Unfortunately, trouble is brewing once again. If you’re game, a new Secret ZeeOp is available in the ZeeOps Hub. Operation: Green Thumb was removed from the ZeeOps Hub at the end of April. However, if you’ve already purchased Operation: Green Thumb, you will be able to complete it and collect rewards even after it is no longer available for purchase.

Can you smoke out some unsavory characters that have made the new hot spot their home base? If you complete ALL the missions in Operation: Lady Luck, you’ll receive the snazzy badge below, along with the Arctic L.A.S.E.R. Shark Munzee (more info below!) and various other rewards listed in the app!

There are 3 levels. Level 1 has 3 missions, Level 2 has 5 missions, and Level 3 has 5 missions. Each level ends with more prizes.

We may share this information moving forward with other Operations but possibly not.

Arctic L.A.S.E.R. Shark Details

The Arctic L.A.S.E.R. Shark functions the same way as the regular L.A.S.E.R. Shark. You can refer to our Help Guide article about it HERE!

The only difference, other than its color, is that it also lands on Joystick munzees (both physical and virtual).

With the release of this L.A.S.E.R. Shark variant, we’ve created a new deploy badge, and also have featured it in the line of capture badges released in March. While we’ll keep the capture badge a secret, you can sneak a peek at the deploy badge below:

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

This message will self destruct in 3… 2… 1…

March 23, 2021

Secret ZeeOps- Operation: Green Thumb (March 2021)

Agents, did you get the hint from our social post last week? We have a new Secret ZeeOp available in the ZeeOps Hub! This means that Operation: ZEEcret Admirer will be removed soon. However, if you’ve already purchased Operation: ZEEcret Admirer, you will be able to complete it and collect rewards even after it is no longer available for purchase.

Can you track down the thief with an obscured whorl in his or her print? If you complete ALL the missions in Operation: Green Thumb, you’ll receive the snazzy badge below, along with the Golden L.A.S.E.R. Shark Munzee (more info below!) and various other rewards listed in the app!

There are 3 levels. Level 1 has 3 missions, Level 2 has 4 missions, and Level 3 has 5 missions. Each level ends with more prizes.

We may share this information moving forward with other Operations but possibly not.

Golden L.A.S.E.R. Shark Details

The Golden L.A.S.E.R. Shark functions the same way as the regular L.A.S.E.R. Shark. You can refer to our Help Guide article about it HERE!

The only difference, other than its color, is that it also lands on Premium munzees.

With the release of this L.A.S.E.R. Shark variant, we’ve also extended its corresponding badge line. You can sneak a peek at the new badges we’ve added below:

While you’ve probably guessed correctly about the requirements for the badge on the left (Deploy one Golden L.A.S.E.R. Shark Munzee), we’ll keep the requirements for the badge on the right a secret for now — just capture as many L.A.S.E.R. Sharks as you can!

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

This message will self destruct in 3… 2… 1…

February 16, 2021

Secret ZeeOps- Operation: ZEEcret Admirer (February 2021)

Agents, as promised, we have a new Secret ZeeOp available in the ZeeOps Hub! This means that Operation: WatchE.R. will be removed soon. However, if you’ve already purchased Operation: WatchE.R., you will be able to complete it and collect rewards even after it is no longer available for purchase.

Do you think you can track down your ZEEcret Admirer and remain unscathed? If you complete ALL the missions in Operation: ZEEcret Admirer, you’ll receive the snazzy badge below, along with the Laser Artillery Submarine Eating Robot (L.A.S.E.R.) Shark Munzee (a link to more info below!) and various other rewards listed in the app!

There are 5 levels. Level 1 has 3 missions, and all subsequent levels have 5 missions. Each level ends with more prizes.

We may share this information moving forward with other Operations but possibly not.

L.A.S.E.R. Shark Details

The L.A.S.E.R. Shark is an all new tPOB similar to the Spyderbot! To keep this blog post at a reasonable length, you can read all about it HERE!


On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

This message will self destruct in 3… 2… 1…

January 13, 2021

NEW Secret ZeeOps!

Agents, back in August we emphasized our switch from Monthly to Daily ZeeOps, but we still wanted to have the opportunity to create separate Secret ZeeOps in the new ZeeOps Program at various times throughout the year. This is because the special ZeeOps we made for the 2018 Advent Calendar was so well-received, even by players who didn’t regularly participate in ZeeOps! We hope to bring back some of the magic by creating more themed Secret ZeeOps for you to undertake in the future!

Secret ZeeOp Details

Before you head to your ZeeOps Hub to check things out, please make sure you have the latest Over-the-Air (OTA) update! All you need to do is force-close/force-stop the app — the next time you launch Munzee, you should see a progress bar (depending on how fast your connection is, it may only appear for a short while) which means the latest version is being downloaded and installed!

To keep things simple for ALL players, we decided on making Zeds the currency of choice for these Ops. This is why we prioritized the release of the ZeeCred Exchange page, which allowed players who had accumulated ZeeCred from the old ZeeOps Program to get use out of that currency.

As these Secret ZeeOps will cost Zeds, they are guaranteed to have BIGGER rewards than the Daily Missions, which are free. To kick off this announcement, Operation: WatchE.R. is available now in the [Secret] tab of your ZeeOps Hub for a limited time! You can see a preview in the screenshots below:

Please note that as we plan to create new Secret ZeeOps throughout the year, Operation: WatchE.R. will only be available for a limited time. However, if you’ve already purchased Operation: WatchE.R., you will be able to complete it and collect rewards even after it is no longer available for purchase.

Unlike previous monthly ZeeOps that required you to schedule Operations and complete Missions within the span of a day, Secret ZeeOps can be completed as quickly or slowly as you would like. Just click on the Mission to view the requirements and accompanying story.  As you progress through the Missions you’ll learn more about the story and advance throughout the Operation. Do you think you can reveal the mystery of the missing Walkie Talkie Watch prototype?

If you complete ALL the missions in Operation WatchE.R., you’ll receive the snazzy badge below, along with the Walkie Talkie Watch Munzee (more info below!) and various other rewards listed in the app!

We hope you look forward to trying out Secret ZeeOps as they are available!

Edit with added info:
If you’re looking for the bullet points about this specific NEW Operation: WatchE.R. here they are…
There are 3 levels, level 1 has 3 missions, level two has 5 missions and level 3 has 7 missions. Each level ends with more prizes.
We may share this information moving forward with other Operations but possibly not.

Walkie Talkie Watch Details

The Walkie Talkie Watch is an all new Zeecret Weapon that will put you in contact with up to two Agents out in the field! Like all the other Zeecret Weapons, it is available as a reward for completing ZeeOps Operations!


  • Deploy: 25
  • Capture: 50
  • CapOn: 35

When you capture a Walkie Talkie Watch, it will scatter 1 Undercover Agent nearby. You must rendezvous with that agent by capping it! Once capped, it has a chance of sending you to a Liaison Agent or ending your mission with “The trail has gone cold.” If the Liaison Agent is capped, it has a chance of giving you a Mini ZeeOp, like Dossiers and Infrareds.

The Agents will only be visible to the player who capped the Walkie Talkie Watch and will be deployed on the Walkie Talkie Watch owner’s account. This means that unlike Feathers/Boulders, there are CapOn points for the owner! They expire after 120 minutes and have a capture radius of 300 feet.

The points for Agents are as follows:

  • Undercover Agent
    • Capture: 100 points
    • CapOn: 100 points
  • Liaison Agent
    • Capture: 200 points
    • CapOn: 100 points

You can access Walkie Talkie Watches, Undercover Agents, and Liaison Agents by turning on their filter in “Physicals – ZeeOps”. Capping these new munzees will also contribute progress towards the overall Zeecret Weapon captures badge line!

On behalf of MHQ, we thank you for your continued service.

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