Posts Tagged ‘Tour de France’

May 15, 2018

UK Events Reminder

Howdy, everyone!

We just wanted to remind you that Rob and Louise will be attending two events this weekend in the UK (this one and this one)! They will also be taking a trip to cap the newest Emerald Garden in Richmond Park on Friday. There are still plenty of Emerald Pins available in the Freeze Tag Online Store and time to get one before they get capped!

There is also a growing number of Flat Lous in the area, so make sure to add your own. Flat Robs and Flat Lous are both currently active on the map and Flat Matt will be active on Saturday!

We hope you’re having a great week, and we look forward to announcing some fun new things soon!

Munzee on!

April 30, 2018

Ready To Ride with Flat Lou?

UPDATE: Flat Lou is now for sale in the Freeze Tag Online Store! Go HERE to get yours! 

Our Flat friends, Flat Rob and Flat Matt, have become a staple of the game and we’re excited to announce a certain flat female is joining their ranks- say hello to Flat Lou!

Three years ago Louise Gibson took over the management of our worldwide player run events. She streamlined the process, improved communication, and provided excellent customer service around the clock in her first few weeks. Over the course of her three years Louise has interacted with hundreds of different player hosts, managing over 1500 unique events.  After three years as an extraordinary Events Manager, she has more than earned her spot among her two-dimensional pals.

The first Flat Lou will be released as a permanent special at Tower Bridge in London, England on May 1st at 15:00 MHQ and they’ll go on sale at the same time in the Freeze Tag Online Store. Flat Lous work much like the other Flats, but there are some differences.

As a not-so-flat-footed cyclist, Flat Lous will be activated at various times including when Louise is racing, when she attends Munzee events, major event seasons and more. Please note that all scheduled times are based on MHQ time and are subject to change. To start things off with a bang though, Flat Lous will be active for the entire month of May.

Another thing that makes Flat Lou so special is that she helps give back too! In connection to Freeze Tag’s sponsorship of the American Diabetes Association, $0.25 of each Flat Lou sale will be donated to ADA to help diabetes research and awareness. Flat Lous will also be active during each Tour de Cure race weekend throughout the year as well.

Flat Lou virtual pieces will be for sale in the Freeze Tag Online Store tomorrow for $4.25, and there will also be a limited amount of the Flat Trio design Personal Munzee tags too. Premium members can also expect a free Flat Lou tomorrow at 17:01 MHQ as well. You can sign up for a Premium Membership at HERE.

Here is the general breakdown of Flat Lous:


Deploy – 19 Points
Cap/CapOn – Split 78 points with a minimum of 10 points.


Flat Lous’ proximity is not affected by other munzees except other Flats. Flat Lous must be 50ft from other players’ deploys and 150ft from your own deploys.

You’ll also be able to earn a variety of badges for capturing and deploying Flat Lous.

Deploy Badges:

Capture Badges:

We’re also excited to announce that we’re launching a new emerald garden at Louise’s favorite training site- Richmond Park in London! The roads around the park even make a pin shape too! Check out the map HERE. You can purchase one of the emerald garden pins, Flat Lous, and personal tags in the Freeze Tag Online Store tomorrow, May 1st at 15:00 MHQ.

The ceLOUbration continues around the world with special player-run Louise Gibson Appreciation Society (LGAS) events throughout May. These events have been entirely set up by player hosts to show their appreciation for Louise’s event management efforts. Find the LGAS events on the Munzee Calendar page, and let them know if you’d like to join in the fun!

Thank you all for showing our Flat friends so much love! We know Flat Lou will make a great addition to the family. Munzee on!

June 15, 2016

The Dragon Slayer

Sometimes it is good to take a quick break from 100% Munzee posts and let you know something personal about members of Team Munzee. Especially when one of our members accomplishes something amazing that needs to be shared! Today that team member is Louise. You probably know her as our Munzee Events Manager and have dealt with her if you have ever hosted an event. On June 5th she added another title after her name, The Dragon Slayer.

Louise made it clear from day one she is a serious cyclist but no one was prepared for the feat she would accomplish on June 5th. She cycled in the Dragon Ride L’Etape Wales by le Tour de France. The Dragon Ride is a grueling 100 kilometer (~60 mile) race through the mountains of Wales, near Cardiff. The course consisted of nearly 5000 feet of vertical elevation change with three mountains and warm temperatures on the sunny day. Louise battled through it all and was the first female to cross the line, in style on her bright pink Bianchi bike. The entire race took Louise 3 hours, 48 minutes, and 8 seconds. Not only was she the first female, but only 5 males beat her across the line. editors note: we blame the traffic lights she got stopped at on the open road course, otherwise she would have beat the boys too.

Well done Louise! You have made Munzee proud and we look forward to your next race!


Notice the Munzee on her sleeve? We are proud to be one of her sponsors. Also DBA Sports, VeloFlow, and Bicycle Richmond. Her indoor training is done with brilliant instructors at The Marlow Club. And that sweet pink bike is a Bianchi.

You’ll also notice this post goes live at an unusual time for MHQ information. We like to aim for 10am and 2-3pm. This post is about our UK employee so it seems fitting we launch it at 10am in the UK. 🙂 We are a worldwide game, and company, after all.

Now we hope you understand more about the inspiration behind the MunzFit events. Speaking of events we know she would encourage all of you to check out the Munzee calendar and click here to look for events near you!

Keep Calm and Munzee On!