Posts Tagged ‘tracker’

April 26, 2022

An Update to Premium Membership Benefits

Lately we’ve made many updates to Premium Memberships. Just last September, we created the Monthly Premium Membership which we thought would be useful to those who only need Premium abilities at certain times of the year. Two months later, we added the ability for Premium users to use filtered blasts. Last month, we experimented with our first ZEE-Dayz exclusively for Premium Members.

This update brings more improvements to the Premium Membership. To make sure you’re adequately informed, we’ve written this blog post so that you will know of the changes in advance.

The changes described below will be effective as of 12:00 MHQ on Monday, May 2nd.

Out the Door

At the time stated above, the Munzee app will no longer support the Multi-User Login (MUL) feature. Our team has gone back and forth on this feature for quite some time, so we feel we owe our players some transparency as to how we came to this decision.

When the game was first introduced almost 11 years ago, the MUL was created for families who played together and only owned 1 device. Over the years devices for multiple family members have become more common, and although we understand the convenience the MUL has been more trouble than we would like.

Our evaluation of the MUL went something like this:

Pros Cons
  • Allow families with multiple Munzee players to easily play on one device
  • Quick access for another player if battery dies or signal is lost
  • Most families with multiple Munzee players are now able to provide a device for each player
  • Players who create fake accounts take advantage of this feature to quickly accumulate points or meet requirements for Clan Wars, badges, etc.
  • Development time is increased as new app features must distinguish between the active account and any other logged-in accounts
  • Testing time is also increased as we must make sure that all app features work even as we quickly switch between 3 different accounts
  • The ability to quickly switch between accounts is quite rare among apps — a unique feature rather than one that is standard

Knowing that the original purpose of the MUL has been outgrown, along with all the other cons listed above, we have decided to remove the MUL from the app.

In light of this change, we encourage players to carry external batteries to keep their main device charged and/or bring extra devices in case issues come up so that they can switch and continue playing — things which many of you are already in the habit of doing.

Otherwise, it just takes a few extra steps to log out and then log in to another account the old-fashioned way.

In Comes More

We understand some will be upset by the decision to remove MUL, but we want to continue to offer a positive Premium Membership experience. So we’re excited to announce that we are in the process of testing out 2 NEW additional features we think all Premium Members will enjoy. Please understand that these new features are a trial/test and we want to gather feedback from players to make sure this is an appropriate addition to the game.

+5 Additional Filter Preset slots +1 Increased Magnet Effectiveness
  • This will bring the total to 10 custom filter presets!
  • Standard munzees will now attract 4 bouncers
  • Landing Pad Destinations will now attract 7 bouncers

We’re always looking to bring more value to Premium Memberships as they help keep our app running. These updates are just the beginning — we’ve got more in the works, so keep an eye out for future announcements!

Munzee on!

March 2, 2022

Updates to the Daily Activity Tracker

At the end of January, we released an update featuring a new Daily Activity Tracker screen. We’ve always planned to include rewards for completing streaks up to certain days, so we’re happy to announce that that feature is in this latest update, along with some other improvements suggested by you, the players!

If you’re interested, check to see if you’ve received Build #857 over-the-air — to find out what version you are currently on, look at the bottom of the [Help & Info] –> [About Us] page inside the app. If you have not received the latest automatic update, please restart the app. It may take a few tries depending on your Wi-fi/data connection.

NEW Rewards!

As you can see in the screenshots below, we’ve updated the calendar on the Daily Activity Tracker so that some rewards are sprinkled throughout the month.

After Day 28, the cycle of prizes starts over again — so that’s why in the screenshots above, you can see a Zed icon again on March 31st.

There are a few important things to note:

  1. You MUST tap the green [Collect Reward] button in the bottom-right corner of the calendar on the day the reward is available for it to be added to your account. If it is not collected before the next MHQ day, the calendar will update and you will not be able to collect the reward.
  2. If your streak is broken at any point, it will cause the cycle to reset, and push back the rewards for all subsequent days accordingly.
  3. As noted in our previous DAT blog, it may take a minute to update your streak information after a capture or deploy is completed. This means that if you tap the [Collect Reward] button while your captures or deploys are still processing, you may see the text on the button change to “Verifying…” like in the screenshot on the right. If you see this, you can stay on the screen and wait for all the processing to complete, or just try again later.

Other Improvements

Many players requested that we add the ability to scroll the calendar back so they can more easily see their past progress. We’ve added a small arrow button to the top-left corner of the calendar so you can scroll back to the previous month, and similarly, a small arrow button to the top-right corner of the calendar to return to the current month.

We hope this update brings some changes you were looking forward to, or, at the very least, runs smoothly for you! If you find that you are experiencing any issues, please let us know at!

Munzee on!

February 21, 2022

Another Update to Streaks

Last week, we did a quick announcement on our social media pages (FB|TWTR|IG) about a change we’d made regarding Universals and capture streaks. However, from that post we’ve received reports of additional inconsistencies from you, the players. So, in the interest of clarity and simplicity moving forward, we are making some more changes, which we’ll go into detail about below.

But before we get into all that, we’d like to put your mind at ease with some very important points:

  • The changes described below will be effective as of Tuesday, February 22nd.
  • The changes will only apply to activity moving forward from that date — so past streak progress will not be affected.
  • Streaks affected by the change we made on February 14th will be restored, to put everyone on equal footing for the upcoming update. However, that does not mean we’ve completely changed our minds about Universals, as you’ll see below.

Passive Activity

We’ve always stated in our blog posts that passive deploys, which are deploys automatically made by the app on your account, do not count for deploy streaks. A recent example of this are the Flamingo Feather scatters — the intent behind those is to increase the point potential for you, the deployer — not to count for streaks, since they required no action from you.

Similarly, we consider the tPOBs deployed as the final stage of Animal Evolutions and 2nd/3rd/nth Mech forms, such as the MUMM33, to be passive deploys, since the app automatically deploys these without you, the deployer, triggering them. However, it was brought to our attention that they have been counting for deploy streaks, which was never our intention. So, effective Feb 22nd, all such automatically deployed bouncers will no longer count towards deploy streaks.

Said another way, any deploy triggered by an action you’ve done will count. Of course, all the regular manual deploys you’d expect will count, but also deploys triggered by a purchase, as is often the case with any new Mechz we sell.

Location-less Game Pieces

The intent behind Socials, Personals, and Universals was to encourage Munzee players to socialize and build connections with others who share the same hobby. As it takes some effort to obtain and deploy these game pieces, they will count towards deploy streaks. However, if they are redeployed (especially in the case of Personals), the date that they count for will change, since the deploy on them can only count once. So, it’s best to not rely on them for deploy streaks.

On the other hand, captures of these pieces will not count towards capture streaks. As Socials and Universals are location-less, and Personals can be deployed up to 10 times a day, this makes the effort to capture them much lower than other game pieces.

We hope this post clears up any confusion regarding streaks, and that you are prepared for tomorrow’s update.

Munzee on!

January 31, 2022

NEW In-App Daily Activity Tracker!

One of the first things you learn when you’re just getting into Munzee is that the most impressive accomplishments are related to streaks — meaning either capping, deploying, or both each day, for as long as you can! While capping each day can be difficult for those who live in munzee-sparse areas, and on the other side of the coin, deploying each day can be difficult for those who live in munzee-dense areas, the main difficulty most players have is making it part of their daily routine.

In the past, players have relied on simpler solutions, such as setting alarms on their devices, or more complex solutions, such as using third-party tools, to remind them to cap and/or deploy for the day. While there’s nothing wrong with using those solutions, we’ve always wanted to have a built-in option for you to use as well!

If you’re interested, check to see if you’ve received Build #834 over-the-air — to find out what version you are currently on, look at the bottom of the [Help & Info] –> [About Us] page inside the app. If you have not received the latest automatic update, please restart the app. It may take a few tries depending on your Wi-fi/data connection.

Daily Activity Tracker

The Daily Activity Tracker allows you to view your captures and deploys for each day of the month to help track your streaks. It will appear before the map the first time the app is launched each day. Afterwards, you can access it by going to your Profile –> [Stats] –> [Daily Activity Tracker].

The Current and Highest Streak counters at the top track how many days in a row you have either captured or deployed a Munzee.

The calendar in the middle is the main attraction, but we’ll get into more detail on it below!

The Monthly Streak Challenge at the bottom features the unique Flamingo skin that can be earned by keeping up your activity streak each month. Make sure all of the boxes for the month are colored orange or green to qualify for the skin reward!

Colors on the calendar are color coded to help you quickly see which activity happened on which days:

  • If it’s flashing yellow, make sure to complete your activity for the day!
  • If you’re aiming for the Deploy Streak Badges, make sure all the boxes are orange!
  • If you’re aiming for the Capture Streak Badges, make sure all the boxes are green!
  • If you’re aiming for the Capture & Deploy Streak Badges, make sure all the boxes are split between orange and green!
  • Make sure to avoid any red missed days that will break your streaks!

Please note that it may take a minute to update your streak information after a capture or deploy is completed.

Premium Feature

Premium members can tap on a specific date to see a summary of the Munzees that were captured and/or deployed on that day. The tabs at the top will allow you to switch between the displays.

  • Please note that the caps/deploys listed will only show types that count towards streaks, so it won’t show caps of Socials or Universals, and it also won’t show passive deploys (such as deploys of Flamingo Feathers)

This should also make it easier to track down certain Munzees that need to be moved around, like Mailboxes.

If you’re not a member, sign up for a free trial in the app to check it out!

Capture Mulligan Integration

If you break your capture streak, a Capture Mulligan icon will appear on the missed day if there is one available for you to use.

  • Note that it might not always appear on a red day. It’s possible that it may appear on an orange day if a capture was missed.
  • If the missed day is not visible on the calendar anymore because the next month has already started, you can always purchase the Capture Mulligans directly from the In-App Store

Tap on the icon to see which Capture Mulligan is offered: 1, 7, or 14 Day.

After purchasing, it will add a capture to the day that was missed and update your current streak counter at the top.

We hope this update brings some changes you were looking forward to, or, at the very least, runs smoothly for you! If you find that you are experiencing any issues, please let us know at!

Munzee on!