Posts Tagged ‘Tustin’

June 29, 2018

July Birthday Reminders

UPDATE: England has advanced to the Quarterfinals! 

UPDATE II: England has advanced to the Semifinals! 

July is our 7th birthday month! This post is FULL of reminders and links so you can make the most of our birthday!

Our Flat Friends:

  • Flat Matt, Flat Rob, & Flat Lou will be on the map ALL month
  • Flat Matt & Flat Rob will be worth double points from 00:01 July 1 through 23:59 July 3
  • Flat Lou will be worth double points from 00:01 July 8 through 23:59 July 8 (just one day) as Louise races through the French Alps in L’Etape du Tour, an official stage of the Tour de France, several days in advance of the professional riders
  • Flat Lou & Flat Rob (Rob just added) will be worth double points from 00:01 July 29 through 23:59 July 29 (just one day) as they both participate in the Prudential Ride London 100 mile Bike Race

Clan Wars start July 3 at 00:01 — if you would like to join a clan for the first time or want to find a new clan you can use our Clan Randomizer button but it is only available from 00:01 July 1 through 23:59 July 2 so act fast!

The Global Goblet 😉 football tournament continues through the first half of the month. Our original favorite team, Germany, has already been eliminated. While our developer Daniel is sad, he’s happy to go ahead and program some other options to support our worldwide team. Guilherme is based in Portugal and we have Louise and Andy based in England. Rather than choosing one team, like we unwisely did the first time, we’ve chosen to support both. If both teams continue to advance the results will be cumulative on the given days.

Here’s what you can expect based on each countries path:

England has advanced to the Semifinals! 

  • If England advance to Quarterfinal quadruple points on greenies July 6 & 7
  • If England advance to Semifinal double points on ALL jewels July 10 & 11
  • If England advance to Final double points on ALL virtual munzees July 15

Portugal – Unfortunately Portugal has been eliminated.

  • If Portugal advance to Quarterfinal double points on RUMs July 6 & 7
  • If Portugal advance to Semifinal double points on ALL clan weapons July 10 & 11
  • If Portugal advance to Final double points on ALL physical munzees July 15

ALL ACTIVITY WILL BE IMPACTED, this means captures, deploys AND cap ons.
ALL TIMES ARE MHQ 00:01 – 23:59

Worldwide Birthday Events begin July 1. Please check the calendar to see if any are taking place near you! There is still time to add an event to the calendar later in the month if you’d like, but the time for custom artwork has passed. We hope you are able to join your local community and celebrate our birthday with us! Maybe even join our team here in Texas at MHQ, in California at FTHQ, or Matt and Daniel in Germany. We hope your events are more fun than a clown car filled to the roof with clowns.

Speaking of clown cars…



June 14, 2018

Freeze Tag HQ Birthday Event July 21 and New Emerald Garden!

Munzeers of the world,

Step right up and join the first official Munzee Birthday party supported at, near, and around Freeze Tag HeadQuarters in sunny Southern California. If you are able to join us in person we have quite a treat for you! Be sure to log your “Will Attend” on the calendar so we can be prepared for the crowds! We have several great things in store for you, and more still in the works!

  • Unique badge available only at this event!
  • Unique WallaBee item in game and physical stickers for your WallaBee Passport
  • FREE Sample ZeeTour available around the Irvine Regional Park
  • Eventzee Scavenger Hunt
  • Prizes, Snacks, and *ZOO animals
  • MHQ and FTHQ staff and the badges you get for meeting them in person!

If you aren’t able to join us in Irvine Regional Park it’s OK because we have opportunities for you as well. First we’ve created a spreadsheet to help build a virtual garden on site! If you have any spare MVM in your undeployed list please join us! If you have other types of virtuals and want to accumulate some cap on points, or just give players something more to cap, you can deploy nearby as well!

And finally, we want there to be plenty of opportunities for points so we’d like to welcome you to purchase an emerald in the brand new FTHQ emerald garden. Be sure to choose FTHQ Emerald in the drop down option! There is a limited quantity of these emeralds (one per account) and the office is less than 10 miles from the birthday event location. While there currently aren’t tours of the FTHQ office it is growing in popularity for deploys and you never know what the future holds!

We hope you choose to join us in person, or in virtual participation as we celebrate Munzee’s birthday for the first time at FTHQ!

Munzee On!

*Zoo animals are inside the OC Zoo and not actually part of the Munzee event but you get the picture 😉 In other words, you have to pay and visit the zoo to actually see zoo animals. It’s only $2 and Craig says it’s great! We’re not certified monkey (or lion) tamers, we only play them on Youtube.