Posts Tagged ‘zeds’

March 17, 2021

Keep Your Eyes Peeled for Zee Folk and Leprechauns!

As promised at the start of the week, we have some more St. Patrick’s-day themed fun for you to enjoy all the way through the end of the month! Keep an eye out for these little green men — they will be hard to spot, but you may find your pockets a little heavier after an encounter! And no, they’re not aliens — or are they?

Zee Folk Details

Starting at 12:00 MHQ today, Zee Folk specials will bounce around the map until 23:59 MHQ on March 31st.

Only 17 Zee Folk specials will be available to cap! They will bounce around every 4 hours or when capped. Zee Folk will appear on the following landing pads:

  • Greenies
  • Physical Shamrocks
  • Virtual Shamrocks
  • Flat Rob
  • Flat Lou
  • Green-colored Virtuals:
    • Virtual Sea Green
    • Virtual Granny Smith Apple
    • Virtual Green
    • Virtual Forest Green
    • Virtual Asparagus
    • Virtual Olive Green
    • Virtual Yellow Green
    • Virtual Green Yellow
    • Virtual Spring Green

As these specials are so rare, they will be worth 1,000 points for the Capture and 50 points for the CapOn! You definitely don’t want to miss out! They will be attracted to Magnets. To access these specials, please turn on your “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Edition Specials” filters.

When you capture a Zee Folk special, there is a chance that you will earn 17 Zeds! The popup that appears after you’ve captured a Zee Folk will let you know if you’ve earned any, so make sure to keep an eye out! You will also find them on your credits list.

There are 3 badges you can earn for capturing Zee Folk. You can check out the first below!

Flat Hatter- Capture one Zee Folk Munzee.

Limited Time Scatter Details

For the same period as Zee Folk activity, when you capture a Leprechaun or Leprechaun Variant, up to 3 Colored Zeds may be scattered nearby! These are the same Colored Zeds that scattered out of Rainbow Trails last year!

If you don’t own any Leprechauns, or would like to own more, you can pick them up in the store HERE! Remember that as of the Cyclops and Nymph Variant release last year, you can purchase multiples of the same myth! For a detailed explanation of how that works, refer to the blog post HERE!

Like last year, Colored Zeds will stay on the map for 1 hour or when captured. Each will award 100 points AND potentially a small number of Zeds to your account! We thought this would be a fun way to accumulate some extra currency to go towards Magnets, Secret ZeeOps, or whatever you want!

For more information about Leprechauns and their variants, check out our Help Guide articles HERE and HERE!

Munzee on!

April 1, 2020

This New Munzee Type is No Joke!

As we enter into our third week of self-quarantine / working from home we at MHQ have been racking our brains to think of more ways to make the game accessible for those who can’t be out and about. From our past surveys, we know that Prize Wheels are quite popular amongst our players, so we decided to introduce a new virtual munzee type inspired by them!

Say hello to the snazziest gameshow host around- Sir Prize Wheel! 

We are happy to announce the Sir Prize Wheel Munzee is now available for purchase! In case the name wasn’t obvious enough this new virtual type works like a combination of Surprise and Prize Wheel Munzees. You can pick up 20 Sir Prize Wheel Munzees every 10 days from the Freeze Tag Online Store HERE.

Sir Prize Wheel Munzee Details

The Sir Prize Wheel joins the Gaming Munzees as a virtual type. Once the Sir Prize Wheel is captured, he will award you points and a prize either by adding items to your inventory (like Zeds!) OR scattering a special munzee type nearby, similar to how the current Air Mysteries work. Make sure to read the popup that appears after capturing this munzee carefully so you know what you got! The owner of the munzee also has a chance to receive prizes as part of the CapOn!

Capture Radius: 300 feet, not blastable

Updated addition: Proximity: 300 feet to any other SPW, 150 feet any other type of your own, 50 feet to any other munzee from different owner.

Deploy: 200 points

Capture: 100 points + Random prize

CapOn: 50 points + Random CapOn prize possible

To access the Sir Prize Wheel munzee, turn on your “Virtual – Gaming” filter. To access any scatters, turn on your “All Expiring Specials” filter. For more information on the Sir Prize Wheel Munzee, you can check out our Help Guide article.

As part of this launch we are also adding the Surprise Munzee to the Gaming category, so that is TWO new virtual gaming types! Due to these new types we’ve updated the clan requirements in the app and on the previous blog. The Surprise Munzee also has a new, lower price and you can purchase those HERE! You can also shop the entire Gaming Munzee collection HERE!


In honor of April Fools Day we will also be releasing a new line of badges in the next week or so! Stay tuned for more information, we promise it’s no joke!

Munzee on!

March 17, 2020

Chase ZEE Rainbow!

As stated in our post on Friday, we are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation, and stress that player safety is a top priority. We have a lot of fun things planned over the next few weeks, and are trying to consider the wide variety of situations our players are facing. Tweaks have been made to our original designs to accommodate this. That being said, we are not planning to stop rolling out new game pieces or app updates anytime soon! Our goal is to give you options to “Play your way” safely!

It seems the umbrella Flat Matt opened may come in handy, because Rainbows are here! Immediately following the Flat Day the 13th: Part 3 specials, we are happy to introduce our brand-new Rainbow Trail specials! Starting at 13:00 MHQ on March 17th, Rainbow Trail specials will begin bouncing around the map until 23:59 MHQ on March 31st.

Rainbow Trail Details

777 of these specials will bounce to Greenies, Shamrocks, and Earth Mystery munzees every 7 hours or when captured.

This cheerful arc will be worth 77 points for both the Capture and CapOn, so you don’t want to miss out! As it is a physical MOB, it will be attracted to Physical Magnets on Greenies. To access these specials, please turn on your “All Expiring Specials” and “All Limited Edition Specials” filters.

When you capture a Rainbow Trail, up to three different Colored Zed Munzees will generate (like Feathers) and scatter within 1,000 feet. As we are aware that many players may be under quarantine, we’ve extended the capture radius from our original limit to 300 feet.

These munzees will stay on the map for 1 hour or when captured. Each Colored Zed will award 100 points AND potentially a small number of Zeds to your account! We thought this would be a fun way to accumulate some extra currency to go toward useful items like Blasts and Magnets, especially during these tough times.


Additionally, there will be two badges to earn for these specials. One based on the number of Rainbow Trail specials you capture, and one for the number of Colored Zeds you capture. But just how many captures it takes to earn both badges will be kept a secret! However, we will reveal the first badge in the line, which appears as follows, so maybe that will give you a hint!

One more thing before we go! Leprechauns and Shamrocks really wanted to join in on the fun too! All activity on Shamrocks, POB Leprechauns, and Leprechaun variants will be worth double points during this entire special! To celebrate we’ve put Shamrock Credits on sale for $1 and added Leprechauns back into the store!

We hope you’ll see some rainbows during this stormy seclusion!

Munzee on!

March 3, 2020

All NEW Gaming Credit Pack and the March Clan Wars Collection!

March Clan Wars have started! For this month’s requirements you’ll notice several types will be needed to reach your goal. To help we’ve put together the March Clan Wars Collection so you can stock up on everything you need. We’re also excited to announce the all NEW Gaming Credit Pack as well as the return of Prize Wheel Munzee credits in the online store!

Please note that the Gaming Credit Pack is only available in our online store, not the new In-App Store. You can also shop the whole March Clan Wars Collection by clicking HERE!

Gaming Credit Pack- Purchase HERE!

  • 1 Prize Wheel Munzee Credit
  • 1 RPS Munzee Credit
  • 1 Urban Fit Munzee Credit
  • 1 Physical Joystick Munzee Credit
  • 1 Bowling Ball Credit

Prize Wheel Credit- Purchase HERE!

Prize Wheel Credits have made a rare return to the online store! Each player can purchase up to 20 Prize Wheel credits every 10 days. Prize Wheels may also be getting an update soon so stock up now!

500 Zeds- Purchase HERE!

In case you missed it we also added a 500 pack of Zeds to the online store. This currency will allow you to purchase items like the Virtual StarterPak, MEGA Blasts, Packs with Booster Credits, and more from the In-App Store!

We hope these will help out with this month’s Clan War requirements!

Munzee On!

January 20, 2020

Announcing the Grand Opening of Our In-App Store!

Have you ever gone to a Munzee event and realized you didn’t have enough blasts? Have you ever been out in the field for Clan Wars, desperately trying to get enough points to meet level requirements without specific credits? Well, the latest  update to the Munzee app will address all of these issues and more!

Please note that you can only get access to the new In-App Store by updating your app in the Apple App or Google Play Stores. This is not an Over-The-Air (OTA) Update, it may take longer for the update to be available. If you don’t see it in the app stores yet, check back later!

NEW In-App Store

Why have an In-App store? Convenience for you! Now you can purchase select Munzee products at your convenience, just by navigating to the In-App Store! No more booting up your computer every time you want to buy something, or dealing with the less friendly mobile version of The In-App Store is linked  to your Apple or Google Play accounts for an even easier purchasing experience! 

You can access the new in-app store from a number of different areas in the app including the top of the map screen, the side menu, and when using certain items. For example if you go to activate a Magnet and you’re all out of stock, you can purchase one right then and there!

For the introduction of an in-app store we decided to keep things simple by paring down the offerings. You’ll see the basics of Munzee gameplay pieces in stock, with a few new products sprinkled in as well. 

NEW In-App Currency

The new In-App Store also comes with a new in-app currency. Zeds can be used to purchase in-game items, like Blast Captures, Magnets, Boosters and more! You can purchase Zeds in the In-App Store in a variety of different bundles, and you’ll also get some Zeds with your (one-time) Virtual StarterPak purchase. Starting tomorrow, you’ll also now be able to earn Zeds from Prize Wheels, and Pimedus captures as well!


NEW Products!

What are these “new products”? The first for your consideration is the Virtual StarterPak! Like the Physical StarterPak, this Virtual StarterPak will contain a good variety of virtual munzees at a discount, perfect for introducing any new players to the virtual game. Existing players can also purchase this pack! It is available for a one-time purchase per player. 

Next on the list are the 2 new Blast Capture types — the MEGA and Mini Blast! These additional blast sizes will allow you greater control over how many munzees you capture. The MEGA Blast can capture up to 500 virtual munzees within a 1-mile radius, while the Mini Blast can capture up to 50 virtual munzees within a 1-mile radius. These new types are currently only available through the In-App Store though, so be sure to check it out! 

Lastly, we bring you a few not-totally-new things, but things that were previously unavailable for purchase: Physical Capture Boosters and Virtual Deploy Boosters, both of which will be available in Special Packs as you’ll see in the list below.

Now, we’ll leave you to peruse the list of products! Is there anything else you’d like to see in the store?

In-App Store Offerings

SPECIAL PACKS, which consist of the following:

Virtual StarterPak

  • 1 Physical Magnet
  • 1 Virtual Magnet
  • 1 Virtual Munzee
  • 1 Virtual Color Credit
  • 1 Mini Blast Capture
  • 150 Zeds

Capture Pack

  • 1 Physical Capture Booster
  • 5 Physical Magnets

Deploy Pack

  • 1 Virtual Deploy Booster
  • 5 Temporary Virtuals

Blast Pack

  • 1 MEGA Blast
  • 1 Regular Blast
  • 1 Mini Blast

Color Pack

  • 5 Virtuals
  • 5 Color Credits

, which consist of the following:

  • Virtual Munzee
  • Temp Virtual Munzee
  • Color Credit

MAGNETS, which consist of the following:

  • Physical Magnet
  • Virtual Magnet

BLASTS, which consist of the following:

  • MEGA Blast
  • Blast
  • Mini Blast

ZED PACKS, which consist of the following:

  • Zed Pack – 110 Zeds
  • Zed Fiztful – 585 Zeds
  • Zed RollZ – 1,190 Zeds
  • Zed LootZ – 2,425 Zeds
  • Zed TreaZure – 6,280 Zeds
  • Zed PiggZee Bank – 12,780 Zeds

Link to the online store

If you prefer what we have to offer in the Freeze Tag Store, there is a handy link at the bottom that will take you there! The purchases you make online will still accumulate PinPoints, while these In-App purchases will not. We will continue to add new items to both the online and In-App stores.